Chapter Ten

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Weiss's POV

Ok, so, I know there are going to be a lot of questions on how we didn't have our hands tied up, so I'm going to go back until Ruby and Yang get there and then skip ahead to where Ruby left off.

"Weiss...Weiss get up." I groaned and blinked, realizing my groan was muffled. My eyes widened and I tried to move my hands. I found that my feet were tied, and right at my ankle was a chain that kept me on the ground. "Weiss, are you ok?" I looked over and saw Blake. Her hands, unlike mine were untied, she didn't have a gag, and she was trying to untie her feet.

"Mmmm mm mmm mmmmm?!" I tried to say 'what do you think', but it came out really muffled and Blake rolled her eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes. Anyway, try wiggling your wrists. It worked for me to be able to get ahold of the knot to untie it." I nodded and started to move my wrists, and winced as it started to burn. Blake held up her own, and I saw they were red and raw. "Yeah. Its gunna hurt, sorry." I continued to move my wrists until I felt a bump, and I grabbed it and started to untie the knot. Once that was done, I immediately pulled off my gag and breathed in the fresh air.

"That feels so much better."

"Ok, try untying your legs now. If we at least loosen them we can trick them and help Ruby and Yang when they get here."

"They're coming here? The idiots..." I sighed and started to loosen my ropes. They fell to my ankles and I looked at Blake who was having a harder time. She was somehow able to bring the ropes to her teeth and tried to pull them that way.

"Damn," she muttered and let her legs fall again. "Seems I'm screwed...although I'm pretty sure I'll be able to figure it out then. Ok, tie them again quickly, keeping them loose tie them again, but make sure you're able to slip them off." I nodded and started to retie the ropes, soon getting it.

"Shouldn't we but our gags back on then loosely tie our hands like a slip knot?" She nodded and started to put her gag on.

"Adam will be back soon, so hurry." She tied the gag back on tightly and I did the same. I then looped the rope around my hands and made it seem like it was tied when it wasn't. I looked at Blake and mimicked passing out and she shrugged. I lolled my head as if I was still out and relaxed my muscles. I heard Blake snicker and I gave her a glare and a questioning look before closing my eyes. I heard the door open and fought the urge to jump up.

"She still out?" A semi rough voice asked. I assumed Blake glared. "Stop with the harsh looks already, geez. Anyway, Roman told me to get you two, so stand up already." I heard the clinking of metal. "Blake, we all know you can break that." I heard Blake gasp and I assumed he took her gag off.

"Then why even bother," she snapped.

"Because even if you can break the chain, you can't get rid of the ropes." There was the sound of metal breaking.

"Now what? I can't stand you know. Hey! Mmm!"

"Let's go then."

"Mmmm! Mmm mm mmmm!" I heard the footsteps leave and I opened my eyes slightly to see Blake thrown over Adam's shoulder. She was glaring at the back of his head when the door shut. I shut my eyes again, and the door soon opened. Footsteps walked over to me, and my gag was taken off before a hand came across my cheek. My head snapped to the side and I winced.

"Let's go." I glared at him and my arm twitched as if I was going to touch my cheek. I widened my eyes and acted shocked that I was tied up.

"What is going on?! Mmm!" I moved my head and tried to fight as he went to tie my gag back on. He got it on and broke the chain that kept me where I was. He picked me up and I found myself over his shoulder. I tried to kick him, but he moved me so I couldn't quite hit him. He dropped my next to Blake and then jumped up above us. I could hear footsteps.

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