Canny Canine

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Honestly, I barely remember writing this one.

Jay tried to avoid it. He knew it was time again from the way his dog, Trevor, stared at him. All he wanted to do was watch his show, but Trevor wouldn't waver. Finally, he cracked.
"What?" Jay asked.
"We need to talk," said Trevor. "I'm concerned about your life, Jay."
"I'm not doing this again."
"What do you mean?"
"Look, we both know how this game is played. Every year for the last three years you do this. You come and "talk to me about my life", then you don't say a word for over a year. And yeah, the first time I was awestruck. Last year I finally realized I wasn't crazy when you spoke again, but this year it's just irritating. I mean, you're not even concerned about my life."
"Of course I'm concerned," protested Trevor. "You're my friend, Jay, and I'd really like to see you do something with your life."
"Like get married?" asked Jay.
"Well yeah. I mean, aren't you lonely?" Trevor jumped into Jay's lap to make the conversation more intimate.
"A little, but don't turn this around on me. We both know it's about you."
"Jay, I'm hurt!" Trevor's ears drooped and his black eyes grew wider.
"How can you be hurt? The conversation goes this way every time. You start out talking about my happiness and how lonely I must be. Then, you claim you'd love for me to meet a nice woman with a cute dog of her own."
"Well not to change the subject, but I have needs too."
Jay pushed Trevor to the floor. He rose to his feet and pointed an accusatory finger at Trevor.
"You have needs? Well I have ways of taking care of those needs you little faker!"
"You wouldn't!" Trevor barked.
"You're making me give it serious thought, Fido!"
"Okay, I've tried being nice. You need a girl and so do I, and until you start taking our friendship seriously I think I might just start leaving "special gifts" by your head while you sleep." Trevor trotted off with his tail in the air.
"Trevor, stay! Trevor, come!"
Trevor was no longer listening. His clawed feet clacked against the hardwood floor as he made his way toward the trash can in the kitchen.  

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