chapter 1

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Eric: It was a cloudy night, with the seagulls flying in the air and waves giving the area a beautiful soundtrack. Inside a building nearby a fashion show was going on but not just any fashion show. It was Tanya Ericsson's fashion show with the famous model, Eric McPrince. After 1 million flashing lights and 5 walks down and back on the catwalk Eric got to leave for the night. He met up with his dad at the back.

"You should please the ladies more then maybe you would get a wife" he said. His father wasn't impressed on how little effort Eric put in his work. "Sorry dad but I don't want to marry someone based on their looks. Don't you think that's wrong?" I asked. It was getting pretty annoying to talk to him about it, he never seemed to listen. "You wouldn't say that if you saw a mermaid though, would you?" I was getting really confused and frustrated now "what do you mean if I saw a mermaid I wouldn't say that? when I said that I would never marry someone based on their looks I meant I would never hangout with someone because of their looks, abilities or how popular they are. I would hangout with someone because of their interests, personality, hobbies and that stuff. Seriously why do you always say weird stuff like that?"

There was an awkward pause between us. Eventually I said "I'll walk around the dock for a bit if that's okay?" He nodded his head with a slightly puzzled look on his face. Since I got the okay symbol I just patted him on the back and walked away.


Ariel: Earlier that day, under the sea...

"So why do you have a fish as a face?" My little brother Austin asked for the millionth time today. "BECAUSE OUR PARENTS ARE STUPID!" Suddenly my dad, the sea king, came charging in as fast as his blue fish tail could go. "Ariel! Take that back right now!" Why did my dad always come in at the worst times? "Sorry Austin let me answer your question"

"Long, long ago, 5 minutes before I was born, our parents were trying to remember the question they have to ask before they can give birth. The question is "which part is human?" but most mermaids and merman are so STUPID that they ask "WHAT part is FISH?" Then they flip a special coin and it would tell you the answer. If you ask the wrong question or phrase it differently your child has a higher chance of having birth defects like I do. So now they have a law that says that you can only give birth in this special temple that has the right question EVERYWHERE so there are less birth defects"

Austin just floated away with his jaw wide open. Just like every other person that looks at me, until they looked down. Then they would ask about my human legs and how it feels and that stuff.

Sort of like when people our walking their pets and someone comes up to them all like "what's your dog's name?" and "how old are they?" Only using you as a tool of interrogation to your pet. That's why I love collecting human stuff. Most of them have pet dogs so they understand how it feels when people ignore the rest of your body and concentrate on only your dog. Well it says that in one of my books I have from shipwrecks.

My little brother Austin found that out when he read the book. He loves to play with all the cool things I find. That's probably the only reason I never kill him. Sadly my dad has a bit different reaction to this ever since mom died.

Thankfully he still lets me keep my collection. Well mostly because my mom strongly believed that hobbies (like collecting human stuff) were great for making ones self very happy. There is an exception, I can't go to the surface. Tonight I was going to brake this rule though. Tonight I was going to go to the surface to see the human world.

When The Coin Lands On HeadsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum