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Okiee so here's an imagine for meowitsfreyja..its gonna be super cheesy and cringe worthy becos we like this kind of stuff aha :')
The door creaked as you unlocked it. You quietly and carefully entered the house. trying to make less sound as possible.
"Babe?" You whispered while looking for your boyfriend-vernon.
"Oh there you are!" You shouted-whispered when you find Vernon lying on the couch motionless.
He must be really tired.
You thought to yourself. you shook him lightly in order to wake him up. You wanted to ask him if he had dinner yet, you wanted to be a perfect girlfriend and care for Vernon.
"Babe..." You said and he moaned, he squinted his eyes at you and looked pissed.
"What?" He answered coldly, slowly getting up.
"Are you tired? Have you eaten yet? Do you need me to cook you anything?" You answered despite his rudeness towards you a second ago.
"No im not hungry. just let me rest for a bit , please?" He said and flopped back down onto the sofa. You could tell that he was over working himself and he did not eat much things today.
"But please Vernon, Your health is more important-"
"I said NO. CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!" he interrupted you and stormed into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
You were shocked and frightened by his sudden outburst. Tears rolled down your pale cheeks and you sat on the floor , curled into a ball. You sat there crying.
Why is he being like this? I know he's stressed and need space but I'm trying to help..
Your eyes started to feel heavy and you glanced at the clock. It was nearly midnight and you wanted to sleep. You decided it would be the best if you sleep on the sofa tonight. Yes, it would be uncomfortable. But you wanted your boyfriend to have some time alone, where he can finally relax after a long day of practice.
You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep peacefully.
Your eyes fluttered opened and you yawned. stretching your arms, you wanted to change the uncomfortable position you were in before. But then you felt a heavy weight on top of you...
"Oh my God.."
Vernon was resting his head on your shoulder and burrying his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent.. His long arms were wrapped around your waist gently, but strong enough to hold you down.
"Baby.." You whispered and smiled down at him , kissing him lightly on his nose.
Vernon looked up at you and smiled. You and his face were inches away.
"(Y/n).. I'm sorry about my attitude earlier.. I swear I didn't mean it!! I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings..its just that I'm really stressed about the comeback lately." His smile quickly replace with a pout. He apologised while looking down, avoiding your gaze.
Your face softens, how can you be mad at him?
You pulled him in closer to you and whispered into his ears.
"It's alright idiot. I get that you're under stress, but talk to me! I can help you get through it!"
Vernon smiled up at you and tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear.
"I'm so lucky to have you as mine."
He grinned sincerely.
"Me too"
You answered back, stating at him lovingly.
Longest story so far..omg ...
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