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I saw the 'I came off of the stove' thing from tumblr and I was feeling punny.

Me: I didn't come out of the closet, I came off the stove (dude I was like yelling this in my living room, how does my mum still think I'm straight?!)
Sister: ....
Me: get it cause I'm pansexual? Do you have a polyblem bi my choice of words? I ace'd the joke didn't I? Did I make your gay? Maybe we should just Transition out of this queerious conversation. I'm Demi-sure it was a good joke though.
Sister: *poker face* You suck at puns *walks out of room*
Me: *rejected* *whispers* and you swallow.

I didn't yell and you swallow because 1.) my mother and 2.) my sister is still so young.

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