Me and affection

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Okay, I'm sorry, mother effing crap is going down in my life. It's like a tornado of life and such changes, but that's not an excuse! I'm so sorry! Due to my laziness and utter awfulness I have failed to update lately... So here you go my lovelies!
Let me tell you the story of just a little embarrassing moment in the past. This story will feature my transgender bisexual friend that I'll call uh.... Think of a name. 1,2,3: Ted! What a totally original name, hey look I came up with the first name that came to mind!
    Anyhow, let's just say Ted was rather emotionally unstable and was going through a break up with his girlfriend and bro, it was like savage. Ted trying to get her back, her cussing and like yelling over text (because that was drama back then!) and he was down in a rut. And me being the idiot I am was there when he said he may commit suicide and being an even more idiotic person tried to help him myself. By help I mean we spent the whole class writing in notes back and forth about how he was not worthless and he should keep living. (Excuse me, if you are like literally wanting to kill yourself don't come running to me or other people right away, cause let's say human's don't always know what to say and can mess crap up/ react awfully to it. Get professional help! Or get through it yourself! You're stronger than you think! I know I may sound a little mean but it's true)
     Anyways I finally convince him... I convinced him life matter, but he took it the wrong way. I think he was just looking for someone to mend him and not to just mend himself, I think I was his rebound? Anyhow, tears sparkling in his eyes he thanked me and asked me something.....
       I think I blew up right there...
He asked me if he could kiss my cheek! Me being the little pure (not mentally) person I am was struck with a blush, and not the cute blushes, no my face was like deep freaking red. I mean, physical affection?! No. I couldn't, and the way he was literally flirting with basically all his friends and offering kisses to everyone I kind of believe it wasn't the kind of thank you innocent kiss that's platonic. Ugh, I literally stuttered like the nerd I was a quick "uh, n-n-no! I can't, I'm sorry, I-uh don't do affection!" and sprinted to the next class.
     We never spoke about it again. Ugh, I never once thought anyone would offer, dude I can barely handle a hug!

So that's my story....I uh don't do physical affection. I also have been single all these years as you may have figured out, but proudly single! I'll show you dad, teachers, life! I'll never have kids you scrubs!

Comment: about embarrassing stories, life, your favorite kind of chip

Question: What's your relationship status? How awkward are you?

I'm single and not really up for a mingle ;3 hahahahaha...ha Q-Q

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