Chapter 2

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Suddenly, Zeus' voice boomed in Percy's mind to come straight to Mount Olympus. But Percy couldn't move a bit. His whole body was in pain. He stayed there, tears running down his face, knowing it was his end. Soon, a bright flash of light appeared and Hermes appeared beside Percy. They then flashed out of the scene.

                *Third Person POV*

Everyone was too stunned to say anything. All the things that had supposively been done by Percy were actually done by Yowie. They all had hated Percy, treated him badly and betrayed him when all he ever did was save them. Everyone was looking down to their shoes, humiliated at what they have done. All those who were close to Percy were bawling the eyes out.

'Are you guys actually crying over that boy? That weakling Perseus deserved it anyways,' Yowie spoke up, smirking while leaning against a pillar. Everyone glared at him, hatred clearly written in their eyes. Nico, Annabeth, Tyson along with a few other campers, tried to lunge at Yowie. They were all held back by other campers. They were shouting and cursing at Yowie, trying to grab him.

Suddenly, a silver arrow whistled through the air, flying straight to Yowie's heart. Before it could touch Yowie, he sunk into the ground as if it wasn't solid. Everyone gasped in shock. Everyone except Annabeth.

'He's not a demigod' Annabeth's voice echoed through the throne room with so much pain, anger and regret, breaking the silence. Everyone stared at her in confusion. Soon, the throne room in Mount Olympus were filled with whispers among the campers, Hunters, Amazons and Gods.

'Father,' Apollo's loud voice echod, making everyone silent. 'I would need to bring him to my infirmary. He's wounded badly.'

Zeus nodded sympathetically. Seeing what had happened from the screen, he now knew better that Percy would never overthrow the Gods. Percy is a loyal hero, one who would never betray his family.

'I'm sorry.' A voice filled with so much pain made everyone stop and stare at him. 'I'm sorry making all of you angry. I'm sorry for making you all hate me. I'm sorry for losing your trust.' he continued. 'I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough.' Percy whispered softly.

Everyone had tears in their eyes. All of them felt guilty.

'Percy' Annabeth croaked as she ran towards Percy's side, following Apollo's children as they carried Percy to Apollo's infirmary. Her cheeks were wet as tears flowed endlessly.

'What have I done?' Poseidon cried out as his son left the room.

                 *Annabeth's POV*

I couldn't take it. The pain in my chest kept growing as I kept thinking of Percy. My heart felt as if there was a big hole in my heart, a part that was missing. I wanted Percy. I needed him in my life.

What have I done?

Thinking of what I did to him made my heart ache. Tears formed in my eyes and flowed without hesitation.
How could I break up with him? He was all I ever wanted. But I left him. I broke him. This was all my fault.

I rested my head onto my knees and I continued sobbing, unable to resist the ache in my heart as I waited for Apollo to finish healing Percy. I waited outside the special operation room Apollo had in his infirmary, restraining every part of myself from busting in.

As if on cue, the doors of the operation room flew open. Immediately, I stood up, rushing into the operation room. I ran right past Apollo himself, not bothering him. I didn't care if he was going to disintegrate me right then and there. I wanted to see Percy. I had to.

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