Chapter 7

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A/N I hope this is not confusing it keeps switching points of view in the story but I hope you enjoy!
Stella's P.O.V

We finally got to Germany to see Loki (I think) walking out in this weird armor and a helmet with horns that made him look like a cow. The back opens and Captain jumps out. I jump out afterwards. When I land I turn into my wolf form and wait in the shadows for the right time to strike. I see Loki about to use his spear thing on this old man. I was going to jump in front of it but Captain was already on it. I watch as Steve jumps in front of the old man and raise his shield. The shield deflects the Ray blast from the spear. I decide to make an appearance and step out from my hiding place so I can fight instead of just standing there watching someone else doing it for me. I jump out of the bushes and scare a couple of the people out there. I had it covered with Steve when that stupid music started playing. I rolled my eyes knowing what Or should I say who it was. None other than the metal man himself, Tony Stark. (Note the sarcasm.) When he lands he raises up his repulsers and all the cool weapons on his persons and points them at Loki. After Loki surrenders we take and put him in the plane. I'm still in my wolf form it's amazing that Tony hasn't made a comment. "Hi Captain, wolf." Stark said then does a double take of what he said and saw. He looked and me in both amazement and sacredness. I decide before someone dies of fear, to change back into my normal form. When we are all on the plane I take a seat as far away from Loki as possible. Tony looks my way and starts to say something, but I don't listen not needing any of his attitude or sarcasm right now. As we fly I start to hear thunder. "Where is this coming from?" Natasha said. I look over to Loki and see a face that I see often in this world. He looked scared. I wonder why? I look back over to them when I hear a voice. "What? Scared of a little thunder." Steve said to Loki. Loki looks at Steve. "No, but I'm not overly found of what follows." Just then we heard something on the roof of the plane. Tony opened the back to go up and see what it was. As soon as it was open a person came in. He had long blonde hair, armor the color of red and silver, and he has a hammer. He walks over to Loki and grabs him by the neck and starts going to the back of the plane again. I didn't want him to free Loki so I turned into the wolf and jumped on his back. All I wanted to do was knock him to the ground so I could stop him, but I actually knocked him, Loki, and myself out of the plane plummeting to the Earth. He starts to slow us down, but I don't. I realize he threw me off of him. I start to freak out. Am I going to die? I close my eyes and await the impact. When I hit the ground I'm knocked out into the darkness.
Steve's P.O.V
When I see Stella go out of the plane I think the worst. Is she going to die or will the guy not let her. Tony looks like he's going to jump. I get ready to stop him. "Stark we can't go after them without a plane of attack." I state to him. He looks at me and puts on his mask. "I have a plan Captain. Attack." He then jumps out of the plane. I get ready to go myself. I put on the parachute and go to the edge of the plane. "Captain you might want to sit this one out they're practically gods." I look at her. "There's only one god ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." With that I jump out to the plane and start my descend.
After the talk back on the Helicarrier
Bruce's P.O.V
When they got back I was waiting to see Stella to tell her I know how she feels and I wasn't scared just amazed. When I hear they need a doctor stat I run to the infirmary. When I get there I see Stella in the table with machines hooked up to her. She had scrapes and blood on her. Her face was contorted in pain. I ran over to on of the doctors to see what happened to her. When I learned I felt as thought she was going to die no one can survive a fall like that. Except maybe the Hulk or her wolf side. I had a little hope she could make it through, but that all went away when the monitor went off and the line went flat. Her heart stopped. They did everything and got it to work again. After that she was taken into surgery. I wasn't allowed to go help. I wasn't sure why though. As the hours went by I was a wreck, but I don't know why. I think I'm starting to fall for her, but I can't be with her and she does like me any way. I was beginning to lose hope when the doctors came out to tell me what was going on.
Stella's P.O.V
I hear voices but I don't see them. I try to open my eyes but they were to heavy, I couldn't do it. After trying and trying I finally got them to open. As soon as they did I shut them the light was too bright. I opened my eyes again and got adjusted to the light. When I look around I see I'm in a hospital or something. I also see someone beside me but my sight is still blurred. When my eyes are fully normal I see that it's Bruce. I smile. When he looks up his face is full of sorrow and lack of sleep. Did I do this? Did he not sleep because of me? A look of relief and happiness flashes across his face when he sees me awake. He gets up and hugs me gently. When he pulls away I look at him. "Why do you look so tired? Did you stay because of me?" I ask him. "Yea, I wanted to make sure you were ok and I wanted to be the first one you saw when you woke up." He said I smiled. "I also wanted to say that I'm not scared by you I think your wolf thing is amazing." When he says that it makes me blush. Maybe I was just over reacting. I am so glad we were still friends.

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