Chapter 9

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Stella's P.O.V
After the little talk with Bruce I really have been distant from him. It makes me sad. I think I actually love him. I really want to tell him but he is never around for me to. I am about to take a nap when someone knocks on my door. I get up and open it. When I look at who it is I see it is Cap. "Stella we know where Loki is going to be. Get suited up and meet us at the flight deck(idk what it is called)." He left after that. Ok so we are going to fight especially after the explosion. Did I forget to mention that me and Bruce were also distant because when the explosion happened he kind of fell off. I was so afraid for at least ten days. Ok enough of this. I run out and go get my cat suit. It is much like Natasha's but it is was white with a black wolf on the back. I get suited up and run to the flight deck. When I get there I see everyone geared up and ready to leave. I get in and sit down not excited for the fight. After a long ride we finally make it. We land and see tons of aliens. We start to fight. After awhile I heard someone say that Bruce came. I run in my wolf form over to where they are at. When I get there I turn back into the normal me. I run up to Bruce and hug him. When I pull away Bruce does something I never thought he would do. He grabbed my face and smashed his lips into mine. It was perfect even though we are in the middle of fighting an alien army. We pull away. "Wow" was all I could say. "Man, I've been wanting to do that for along time." Bruce confesses. "I know this is a bad time but will you be my girlfriend." I look at him and smile. "Yes, of course I will." I kiss him one more time and continue to fight. After hours and hours it was over, but Tony scared us because we thought he was dead. After that we went on with normal lives till the next adventure.
Hello I finally updated I know I know it was a long time but I had to think of stuff. I know this wasn't king at all but this book is coming to an end. I can't find the time to write and well I got to the end of the movie. I'm going to write and epilogue then it's over.

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