Chapter 8

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Stella's P.O.V
Everyday in the hospital was boring, but when he got the chance to come see me he would. I don't know why he would do that we're just friends right? Well today I was getting to sleep in my actual bed. It took so long because the doctors thought that I had internal bleeding, but when they did the x-Rays and tests I was just fine. The nurse came in to check on me and tell me it was ok for me to leave. I got up and changed into some normal cloths and went to my room to get a shower. When I got there I unclothed and stepped in. The hot water hitting my skin made my muscles feel good. I then started to think of Bruce. We have been hanging around each other a lot. Not that it bothered me it actually was nice to have someone to talk to. I just can't help but feel something more for Bruce. It's not love but I think I like him. I want to tell him, but what if he doesn't like me and when I tell him it gets weird. I step out of the shower and dry off. When I'm done I wrap the towel around my body and walk into the room to get clothes. After I put on a t-shirt, jeans,and my flats, I contemplate whether or not to go see Bruce.
Bruce's P.O.V
I heard Stella was suppose to get out of that hospital bed and back to her own room today. I want to come visit her when I get the chance I'm just so busy. Over the three days Stella was in the infirmary nothing happened. The only thing I did was try and locate the tesseract and visit her. Everyday I see her I think I like her more. I want to tell her how I feel but I don't want to scare her away. I was falling for her since the first time I saw her. When I stop thing about her I looked at my watch and see it was lunch time. I look around to see no one here. I wondered where Tony is? I continue working not wanting to waist time but my stomach disagrees and starts growling. I decide to go to the cafeteria and get some lunch. When I get there I see a lot of people. I look around in hopes of seeing Stella. After a minute I decide to bring her lunch because she wasn't in here. I grabbed two turkey sandwiches and walked out the door and down the hall to Stella's room. When I get there I here a sound coming from inside. I softly open the door to see Stella with her back to me with headphones in her ears. I then heard a beautiful voice singing a song I never heard before. I stand there for a little longer to hear her sing but soon decide to alert her I'm here. I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. She jumps and turns around. She pulled out her headphones still breathing hard. "Bruce, you scared me!" She said. I smiled and handed her one of the turkey sandwiches.
Stella's P.O.V
After being scared half to death by Bruce I say hi. He turn handed me a sandwich. I look up at him and smile. "Thank you Bruce. What kind of sandwich is it?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles back. "Your welcome and its turkey. When I was walking I heard you sing. You were really good. What song was it?" He says with a smile. I look down and blush. "Thank you and it was a song called Wanted by Hunter Hayes." I smile and he smiles back. I start to eat my sandwich when I finish I see he is done too. I just sit there and think about how I like him. I want to tell him so badly. I finally get the courage to tell him. "IreallylikeyouBruce" I say really fast and look down. When I look up Bruce is confused. "What did you say you said it to fast?" I look down and up again. "I said I really..." I get cut off by Nick. "Doctor Banner you are needed in the lab." Bruce looked at me. "I'll see you around. You can tell me what you wanted to say then." I smile sadly and nod. With that Bruce leaves. I turn around and fall on my pillow and groan.
I hope ya'll liked it. I'm really sorry for updating slow I just got a chance now I had writers block, Christmas, and school all good reasons. Please vote, comment, and enjoy!

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