Pt 31

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"Get down" freddy laughed,dropping bonnie in a large,deep pile of snow."REALLY?! I WAS WARM!" Bonnie growled,shakily standing up and wiping the snow off his shoulders and hair."so..where's the shops?" "I was joking to get you out here to play" freddy laughed,"how did you not notice once?" "I was napping" bonnie groaned,grabbing a large pile of snow and chucking it at freddy as he ran in the other direction.

"for someone who would've spent atleast one day in the snow,you suck at throwing or making a snowball" freddy laughed,picking up a handful of snow.bonnie sighed and stuffed his hands into his pockets,sitting in the snow only to have a snowball right to the face.

Bonnie growled and grabbed a handful of snow,getting up and chasing after freddy,throwing it as hard as he could,missing freddy by a mile."augh! STOP MOVING" bonnie yelled,rubbing his hands together as he chased after freddy.freddy came to a stop at the edge of a lake and bonnie smirked,picking up alot of snow and running after him only to have freddy grab him back and push them both over,sending a small crack straight through the ice.

"What was that for?" "The ice is thin,I was going to run right into it along with you" freddy mumbled,sitting up.the once small crack turned into a thousand large cracks and soon enough,the ice separated."how did you see that it was thin?" "Not sure..just had a bad feeling..that would've been bad..".

Bonnie giggles softly and pushes freddy back down in the snow,sitting up and kissing him softly.

The only reason they separated was the sound of a high pitch squealing sound along with the loud cracking sound followed by a crack."maybe we should move,just incase" freddy mumbled,slowly getting up.bonnie followed closely,grabbing freddys hand."where are we?" Bonnie asked softly."just at the park a little further away from the equipment stuff though.." "So noone can see us?" "Probably you,wearing that bright ass purple bunny jumper" "I like it" bonnie giggles softly.

Every so often the two would go into deep snow so freddy would pick bonnie up and carry him (piggy back) across till they got higher.the brightness of the day was now being eaten by the darker clouds rolling over and threatening for heavier snow,also meaning the temperature was dropping much lower.

Wind began getting stronger and instantly the two stopped 'fucking' around and began heading home only...freddy slowed down like,alot halfway.

"Come on! It's getting cold and it might start snowing again if we don't hurry!" Bonnie called,through the howling wind.eventually,bonnie gave up running ahead and ran back to freddy,kissing him softly on the lips then slowly getting more violent,putting his hands on his shoulders but still,freddy kept his arms crossed from the coldness.

"Can we hurry please." Bonnie whimpered.freddy nodded and the two began running home,almost collapsing once they got inside."you ok?" Bonnie asked softly,taking his jacket off and putting it around one of the chairs in the kitchen."yeah...probably just getting sick from.being out for to long" freddy said shakily.

After a moment,bonnie went into the kitchen while freddy began snuggling down upstairs."cold and" bonnie mumbled,taking out a whole bunch and putting them on the table.he couldn't read very well but managed to make out certain things."what are you doing" goldie growled,turning to bonnie and scowling."I..freddys sick..i don't know what to give him.." Bonnie whimpers."cold and flu,dumbass.." Goldie trailed off,walking to the living room.


"That spider will kill me in my sleep..." Bonnie mumbled softly."no it won't,trust just wants to kill the flies..if there's is any" freddy says shakily,fixing the pillow up behind his head as bonnie sat up."it's freezing in here...are you sure you turned the heater on?" Bonnie asks softly,rubbing his arms."uh..heh,electricity is out,heater must've went down with it,there's still body warmth though" freddy says softly,smirking as bonnie instant dived under the blankets,snuggling deep down to get warm.

"It's so's cold,moons not out so it's really dark...oh's cloudy,fuck me" freddy laughs,bonnie looked up and chuckled softly even though most of the word were muttered from the covers blocking most sound.

"I might go check on goldie..." Freddy says softly,getting up."please don't leave-" "then come,I feel kinda bad leaving him down there without proper blankets.." Freddy mumbles.

The two get half way down the stairs,before bonnie stopped and crouched down,looking into the living room."he isn't there.." Bonnie said softly."what?,he has to be..." Freddy whispered back." lights...Bon,quickly run into the room and grab my phone,it's charged fully so the light on it will be bright as fuck" freddy says softly,turning to bonnie.

Bonnies expression went from fine to petrified as something dark went past freddy at the bottom step,followed by creaking in the roof."what was that?!" Bonnie said shakily on the verge of tears as he ran down to freddy."I told you the roof makes sounds when it snows heavily,just hold my hand,I need my phone to see".

Every few seconds,bonnie would turn back to the stairs,not seeing the figure again but still wanted to burst into tears from feeling so scared."bright,ay?,hold on,ill find you a bright torch" freddy says softly,handing bonnie the torch to hold over him as he began pulling stuff out of a box in the cupboard."what the hell is that?" "It's a old marionette (hue hue),goldie made it at school the day some kid died in our class...I never really played with it because its face gave me the creeps...I still really don't want it but he made it for me so I just kept it" "does it make sounds? It has little stitches in its head so It must have a voice box" "nah.." Freddy mumbled,rubbing his hand over the mask,some of the purple paint rubbing off on his hand.

"Can we just find goldie and come back to bed,I'm tired and I really need to pee.." Bonnie whimpers."yeah ok j-"

"Did you hear that?"

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