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You can only be in one pack. Unless you want to change packs you can have 5 people in all counting kids.

Rules can't be in one than one place at once you have to actually walk there you can't be talking to two people at once in different rooms. the rules

2.make form before starting I have to accept it first must be one comment
(I understand if you want to add something or forgot something reply to your own comment)

3.have fun!

4. No commenting on others pages. Unless your pack Alpha gave you permission to go to that packs land.

5. Smut allowed but don't make a new comment each time! Reply to them instead so others can't see it.. Or do it in private message instead. can curse but if someone asks you to stop please do.

7.NO Mary Sues!

8. Hate the character not the role player!

9: NO God modding!

10: you can bully the omegas but don't bully the role player only character don't do it 24/7 give them a break.

11.when you shift your clothes rip they don't magically stay on. And when you use mins link do this [,] can like people from other packs but if you wanna be together you talk to the Alpha Kings and who ever has the lower ranking goes to the others pack.

(New rules will probably be added to these.)

Put c: on your form if you have read these rules.

Yes other people can visit other packs but you need your Alphas permission if you want to change packs you have to Infor the Alpha King. If you change packs your old ranking doesn't matter your automatically an omega. Unless it's your going to that pack to with your mate than you get your mates ranking.

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