Chapter 4 Rhett

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The waitress came back and set the food in front of them. Link stood up and moved to the other side again.

 "You and Rhett are so funny!" Amber said, still laughing at some of the videos.

 "Thanks, Amber. I always love hearing that." Link said and smiled at the girl. "Would you like to meet Rhett when we get to my house?" Link asked.

 "I'd love to!" she said excitedly.

 "Ok, cool. I'll call him later," Link said and began eating.

Amber looked down at her plate and then grabbed the bacon. She took a bite of it and then said "Oh my gosh, this is the best thing I've ever eaten in my life!"

 Link laughed. After they had both finished, Amber said,  "Thank you so much, Link! That was the best meal I've ever had."

 Link smiled and then replied, "You're welcome, Amber." The waitress gave Link the bill, which he then paid for and the two left. They began walking to his house.

 Around ten minutes later they arrived at a very nice two story house. Link walked up and unlocked the door.

 He opened it and said "Go ahead in." Amber slowly walked in and saw a very tidy house. That surprised her, she figured it would be sort of messy. 

"This is a really nice house, Link. It's very tidy," she said taking in my new surroundings.

 "Thanks, I have OCPD, so I like keeping things clean and organized," Link said.

 "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know," Amber said quickly,  hoping she hadn't offended him.

 "Don't worry about it. Would you like me to call Rhett now?" Link asked.

 "Yes please," IShe said excited to meet him. Link pulled out his phone from his pocket and called Rhett. 

"Hey man, I was wondering if you could come over? There is someone I'd like you to meet." Link said 

"Sure, be over in 10 minutes," Rhett replied. "See you then. Bye." 

"Bye" Link hung up. "He'll be over in about ten minutes. In the mean time, would you like to see your room?" Link asked.

 "Yes please." Amber responded and followed Link upstairs. 

"I'll give you a tour as well. To your right is my room. This next one is the bathroom and this is your room," Link said as they walked down the hall. He opened the door for Amber. It was a good sized room. It had a walk-in closet, a double bed with a blue comforter on it, a desk, a white dresser, and a large window showing the backyard. "Link, this is beautiful. Thank you so much!" Amber said with pure joy. She then ran back to him and hugged him tightly. He laughed and then hugged her back. "You're way too good to me. I don't deserve this," She said still hugging him. He let go and looked the young girl in the eye.

 "Amber, you do deserve this. You didn't have anything like this at home, did you?" Link asked.

 "No, I just had a beat-up, old dresser and an uncomfortable bed," Amber said quietly.

 "That's what I thought. Well, you'll be able to stay here for as long as you need," Link said. That saddened her. She figured she would stay with Link, but that was stupid of her. Why would he adopt her? Afterall, she was a kid he just met this morning at the park and he took her in. She shouldn't have expected him to keep her, at least, that's what was going through her mind.

 Amber's thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell.

 "Come on, I'll bet that's Rhett," Link said and smiled. He ran down the stairs and opened the door. "Hey man," Rhett said happily.

 "Hey Rhett," Link said and smiled as he let him in.

 "So, who's this person you wanted me to meet?" Rhett asked.

 "Come on, I'll introduce you two. Amber, could you come down?" Link shouted to me. Great, now her nerves were going crazy. She was incredibly nervous. Amber took a deep breath and left her beautiful room. She walked down the stairs into the living room. The girl saw Link sitting next to the tallest person she had ever seen. Link waved her over and Amber slowly walked to him.

 "Rhett, I'd like you to meet Amber." Link said and smiled. Rhett smiled at me and held out his huge hand. Amber shook it and smiled at him, trying to fight how scared she really was.

 "Hey Amber, it's very nice to meet you. Link was just telling me about what happened," Rhett said still shaking her hand. She looked over at Link and he smiled reassuringly.

she swallowed nervously and then said,"It's nice to meet you too, Rhett. You're really funny." He laughed and smiled again.

 "So, how long are you staying with the Linkster?" Rhett asked. Link shot Rhett a look.

 "I'm not sure. I guess until the city arrests my parents for child abuse and gives me to someone else," Amber said sadly. She didn't want to think about leaving Link. She had just placed her trust in him, which wasn't easy for her, but one day, she'd be taken away from him and that would hurt. Tears of fear began to well up in her eyes. She did her best to blink them back, but a few fell anyway. 

"Oh geez, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said anything," Rhett said and looked for Amber's forgiveness.

 "It's ok, you didn't mean it. If it's alright, I think I'd like to go to my room now," She said and ran into her room. She lied down on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

Amber - A Rhett and Link fanficWhere stories live. Discover now