Chapter 14 Shopping

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Amber woke up the next morning in her temporary bed at Rhett's house. She yawned and changed out of the shirt and shorts Link let her use for pajamas. Amber grabbed her clothes from yesterday and put them on quickly. She pulled her messy hair into a bun and slipped on some flip flops. She heard the sound of the shower running and assumed it was Rhett. As Amber walked by Link's room, he called out to her. 

"Good morning, Amber. How did you sleep?" Link said in a tired, but kind voice.

"I slept really well. Better than at the hospital. How about you?" she said and smiled at him. 

"Pretty well for being in a lot of pain still. I hate to ask you this, but could you help me get into the wheelchair?" he asked. 

"Sure no problem," Amber said and entered the room. She looked around and found the wheelchair up against the wall opposite her. She grabbed it and wheeled it over to Link's bed. Amber gave him her hand and he grabbed it firmly, but was careful not to hurt the girl. He also grabbed Amber's left arm and she helped him get up and into the wheelchair in the least painful way possible. 

"Thanks so much, Amber. Sorry I can't do it myself," he said and was blushing a bit.

"It's fine, Link. I owe you. After all, you wouldn't be in this condition if it wasn't for me," She said and gave him a hug. He hugged her back tightly.

"It was definitely worth it,' he said and pulled away from the hug,' Now, could you please go, so I can change?" he chuckled.

"Sure", Amber said and exited the room. She saw Rhett walking out of the bathroom. He said to her, "Good morning, Amber. Ready to go shopping after breakfast?"

"For sure!" she said and gave him a hug. He was so tall, it was hard to hug him, but they were nice hugs.

"Link is changing in his room, but I think he'll need some help getting downstairs after that," Amber said before heading downstairs herself.

She looked in the pantry for something to eat and grabbed a box of cereal. Frosted Mini Wheats, her favorite. Amber got out three bowls and spoons  for herself, Rhett, and Link, and then made the cereal. Shortly afterward, Rhett came down carrying Link.

"Amber, I need you to grab Link's wheelchair for me. Do you mind grabbing it?" Rhett called out.

"Not at all," she said and hopped up from the table. Amber ran up the stairs and carried the wheelchair down. It was pretty heavy, but she could still manage it. Ambmber set it down and Rhett put Link into it. 

"Thanks, Amber," Rhett said and smiled.

"No problem," she responded. Amber walked back to the kitchen and Rhett wheeled Link in as well. 

"Oh wow, Frosted Mini Wheats! That's my favorite cereal! Did you do this, Amber?" Link asked.

"Yeah, I did," she said. Amber was happy the surprise had worked. They sat down and ate breakfast together. After that, Rhett told Link he was taking Amber shopping at the mall and to call him if he needed anything. She hugged Link goodbye and the two were off. Amber couldn't remember going to a mall before. She was excited. 

When they arrived, Amber was surprised by how many people were there. Of course, it was about a week until Christmas, so that was to be expected. They shopped around for about three hours and ended up buying four pairs of skinny jeans, a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of converse, three plaid blouses and two t-shirts, and various pairs of socks and underwear. Amber felt horrible for spending so much of Rhett's money, but he insisted she get all of these items at least. 

They got some Chinese take-out and brought it back for the three of them. Amber's life was better than she ever imagined it could be all because an incredibly kind man found her in the park and took her in. Amber smiled to herself as she thought about how much her life had changed, but all for the better. She rolled over in her bed and took a deep breath. "Thank you, God. Thank you." 


Hey guys,

I know it's been a while again. Sorry. On Tuesday we lost WiFi connection and didn't get it back until yesterday. I really wanted to thank Mythical-Nerd00 for nominating this book for the 2016 Wattpad Fanfiction Awards. I really don't think it'll win, but it's such an honor to be nominated. Thanks to everyone following me. Your support has made me continue writing. See you soon!



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