Time to spy...............

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Louis POV

"Hey,"  said the girl.

"Heeeeeelllllllllllooooooooooooo," I called as she sat down. All the boys said there hello's and we took off. Liam and his new girlfriend were talking and smiling, ugh lovebirds. The rest of the boys and I started talking to the other girl.

"So, what's your name?" Zayn asked her

"Anna, so you guys are in One direction right?" Anna asks.

"Yes we are, so Anna are you dating any one?" I ask.

"Nope, I'm a single pringle, much like yourself Louis."  Anna says.

"Nice," I ay.

"So Anna, what's your favorite food?" Niall asks.

"I like all food." she says, I like her even more as she talks. The we pull up at Harry and Sarah's house. as soon as the car stops, the boys and run through the door, up the stairs and jump on to the couch. The girls were close behind us and when they jumped on the couch, Harry began to speak.

"So as you all know, Sarah and I are engaged!" This got a bunch of cheers from everybody. When we all quieted down, Harry spoke again "And we have you here because you are all in the wedding party. A couple of the girls couldn't make it today, so you will get to meet them later on. We have you here to help us with things, and to get to know eachother better. Now we just would like to say who is the maid of honor and who is the best man."

"Anna is my Maid of Honor!" Sarah said

"Louis is my Best man!" Harry said.Then everyone cheered again. "So I think the girls are going bridesmaid dress shopping today while me and the guys do something. Right Sarah?"

"Yea thats right so girls let's go shopping!" Sarah said excitedly. She kissed Harry and ran down the stairs with Maggie and Anna behind her. When they walked out of the door, Liam asked

"So what are we doing today?"

"I have no idea,Sarah probably wants us to do something for the wedding, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! When I asked she didn't respond." Harry said all frustrated.

"So do you want to go spy on them?" I suggest.

"Yea, that sounds like fun," all of them said.

"Well then, let's go before we can't follow there car!" I say as I'm running down the stairs. All the boys followed me to the car and I hopped in the front seat. Everyone else hopped in the back and Harry drove. I spotted there car and we followed them at a  good distance, so we wouldn't be spotted. When the pulled up to the curb by a shop. We stopped about a block away, right infront of a costume shop. We went in and decided to buy many different things, hats, umbrellas, wigs, fake facial hair and other things. Once we paid we heade back to the car and put on our first disguieses. We also came up with a plan.

"Okay so we will travel in pairs and a single, Niall and Liam are a pair, Zayn and Louis are a pair and I am the single. You will stop and look in the window for a little while walk down the street, cross the street, walk down the other side of the street, cross the street and walk back into the car. Share what you saw, change disguises and start over. Don't ever socialize with the other groups, we don't want them to suspect something." Harry said. " Also we will send people out whenever the first group comes back. Alright people, it's go time. I"ll go first." Harry poped on his fake beard, hat and shades and walked out.  Once he left we alll applied our disguises, when we came back he told us he saw the girls picking out dresses to try on. Then Zayn and I walked out and started our way to the dress shop.

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