I Think Anna is cute, ABORT MISSION, and What's up with Zayn?

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Louis POV


As Zayn and I walked down the street to the store, we walked in silence, but not that akward silence the good silence. I think we were both very focused. Nobody recognized us, which shoked me because these weren't the best disguises. as we approacehd the dress shop Zayn said.

"What should we do if the recognize us?"

"Nothing, I one of them see's us and recognize us, when she turns to tell the others,we will just walk away to make her look crazy." I said.

"Okay," he said. Then we started looking in the window. As we looked I saw that Maggie had on this horrible dress. I'm not going to describe it because you would be offended that I told you. Then I saw Anna come out of the dressing room, she looked absolutly stunning in the aquamarine dress. Nobody was looking at her except me and Zayn. She looked out the window and made a strange look. Zayn tapped me and we walked quickly back to the car. When we arrived, Harry asked.

"What did you see?"

"Maggie in a hideous dress and Anna in a pretty blue dress. Now go Liam and Niall!" I said/shouted. The boys ran out of the car. "I feel bad for Liam, he's going to have to see his girlfriend in the uglyiest dress and Anna looking beautiful."

"I think you like Anna Louis." Zayn said

"What makes you think that Zayn!" I shouted. I really do like her, now I'm making it obivous, this is not helping my case at ALL.

"Because when you say she looks beautiful, you get a twinkle in your eye, and you were absolutly DROOLING over Anna through the window. Admit it you like Anna."

"Fine, I think Anna is cute!" I admitted. Harry just smiled, like he had something planned. Then Liam and Niall hopped in the car. "Whatcha see?" I asked.

"Sarah found the bridesmaid dresses. It was the one Anna is wearing. I agree, Maggie's dress does not look good." Liam said wow. All Harry heard was it's the one Anna's wearing and he was gone. The boys and I talked for about three minutes. then Harry came back to the car, out of breath and looking scared.

"ABORT MISSION!!!!!!!  Anna and Sarah saw me, Sarah is gonna kill me. DRIVE!" Harry shouted. Then I realized I was in the drivers seat, i quickly drove away fro the scene. Then Harry got a call, from Sarah."She wants us to meet for lunch."

"Okey doke," I said. He gave me the adress and I drove there. All I was thinking about was Anna the entire drive. When we arrived at the place we were there before the girls, so we went and got a table. When they showed up, they took the three open spots. Sarah next to Harry, and Anna and Maggie next to me and Liam.  We all talked to eachother till the waitress came.

"Hi, may I take you order?" she asked. Everyone ordered except Anna and Maggie, Liam and I ordered fish and chips for them. "I'll be right back with that." She said as she walked away. Then Sarah, Anna and Maggie talked about moving here. Anna and Maggie flipped out about moving to London. I'm excited there moving here! I might get to date her! Then the food came. The girls looked pretty excited about there fish and chips.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," They said in unison "This is so good!" Anna said with her mouth full, This got a luahg from the group. She's so cute when she eats! Once we had finished, Maggie and Zayn phones rang. Maggie kept saying CALM DOWN SAMI. I wonder who Sami is? Then they hung up at the same time, that's really creepy. Then Maggie said.

"Well I'm sorry to cut my visit to London short, but I must fly home. Sami is an emotional wreck and just kept screaming COME HOME NOW!!! So I have to go see what's wrong."

"I'll drive you to the airport," Liam says as he stands up. He grabs some money and hand it to Harry whispering something in his ear. Then they say bye and leave. then Zayn says

"Management wants to talk to me about something, so I must leave as well. Bye guys!" He also hands Harry money and leaves. I wonder why Maggie had to leave so quickly and why managment only had to talk to Zayn.

"I wonder what's up with them?" I state. The waitress came back with the check and we all paid our share. But I didn't let Anna pay for her share, I said it was her welcome to London present. Then we left, as we were leaving I said.

"Do you guys want to stop and get a candy bar at the cornor store?"

"Yea," Everyone who's left said. We walked to the store and when we walked in we all saw the Sun for the day and it read


We all gasped, Anna picked it up and said.

"I know why Sami called, because Perrie cheated on Zayn with her boyfriend."

"WOW!" I said. Anna and I bought a copy, then we all got candybars and walked back to the car. W edrove back to Harry and Sarah's and hung out the rest of the day.

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