Maggie and Liam come to visit (plus Zayn)

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Anna's POV

It was three in the morning and I was vacuuming frantically. I've vacummed twice, and was on my third run. I also dusted, twice, cleaned dishes, made the beds (I only have two), and cleaned the floors three times. Why? Well, Maggie, Zayn and Liam were visiting me today. Later on, we will go to Sami's.

I had just put the vacuum away when the doorbell ran. I jogged to the door and skitted to a stop then check my outfit to make sure it was in place. It wasn't much of an outfit, just a pink tee shirt and jean shorts (and some gray Vans I would put when we went to Sami's). I shrugged and opened the door.

"HEY!" Maggie screramed in my ear as she embraced me.

"Hi!" I hugged her back. "How are you?"

She let go and moved aside to make room for Liam who was carrying her suitcase and his.

"I'm good. And you?" She retorted with fake enthusiasm.

"I''m alright." I smiled and hugged Liam. "Hey, buddy."

"Hello, dear. How have you been?" He let go and dragged the bags into my small living room.

"Well. And you? How was your flight?"

"I'm pretty knackered, myself. Nearly lost the plot on the flight. Couple of nasty buggers kept arguing the whole flight. Sitting right behind us, too. " He half grinned and I could see in his face he was about to fall asleep, the he went to sit on my couch.

I looked over to Maggie. "I have no idea what he just said." I whispered.

"He said her is tired and a nearly went crazy on the plane because some jerks were yelling at each other the whole ride. Can't blame him, though. I'm pretty tired myself." She half smiled and went to join Liam who was trying to stay awake. 

"So do you guys, uhm, sleep in the same bed or something?" I asked them. Maggie shook her head no. "Alright then, Maggie you are sleeping in the bedroom across the hall from mine."

"Which on is yours?" Maggie piped up.

"Well, there is a big dry erase board on the door with the words "Anna's Room" written on it. Quite diffcult to find, really. Plus, that used to be your old room! Liam can have my room, I guess." Maggie laughed slighty and pushed Liam awake. He took the bags, said goodnight, and went off to my room. Mags went to the guest room, which was her old room. So there I was, alone in my livingroom, very awake.

I slumped onto my couch. I'd be sleeping on it tonight, so it's a good thing it's comftorable.

"I am sooo bored." I mumbled. I turned on the T.V. nad it was on paid programming. Excersizing to be exact. I hadn't been in my usual habbit of excersizing so, I decided to start.

My workout clothes (sports bra, athletic shorts, and cool Nike tennis shoes) were in my room, which Liam was sleeping in.

Maybe I could just sneak in, change, and sneak out. I thought. It was worth a shot. If Liam woke up I could fake it and pretend I was just Maggie looking for a tampon in my dresser...

I got up and crept down the hall to my room. The door was already cracked open so I opened it fully, slowly. Liam was covered up with just a sheet. I tip-toed to my dresser and felt around for a sportbra. I grabbed one and some socks and shorts then my shoes and started for the door. I realized that it would just be easier to change in here. So I was in the middle of getting my shorts on, my sports bra already on, when Liam stirred in his sleep.

"Shoot." I mumbled.

"Maggie?" He grumbled.

"Uhm. . .yeah." I made my voice go a little lower to sound like Maggie. "I just needed to get a tampon from Anna."

He grunted and the lights flicked on. He had turned on the lamp that was next to my bed.

He sat up on his elbows.

"Oh. God." He said covering his eyes quickly with his hands, making him flop into the bed. "Sorry. I didn't know."

I looked down and realized I hadn't pulled up my shorts all the way, so he was looking at me in a bikini, pretty much. I yanked them up hurridly, accidentily giving myself a wedgie.

"No, no. It's my fault. I, just, yeah. Oops." I apologized.

"You fully dressed yet?"

"Yep. I'm just gonna grab my shoes and go. Buh bye. Sleep well!" I grabbed my Nike's and went out of the room.

I almost went five seconds without making a fool of myself, but Zayn just had to sit on my couch and not make anynoise when I walked out of my room. So, I sat on him on accident.

"Getting a bit freindly are we?" He laughed as I fell to the floor in shock.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"It's alright." He stared at me. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"I'm going to excersize. Care to join me?"

"Why not." He took his shirt off and came to stand next to me.

"That's kind of awkward. . ." I mumbled.

"Okay, what first?" He asked.

We went through multiple excersizes. From push ups to wall sits.

"Holy crap, I feel like I'm dying." Zayn was breathing really hard by the time we were done. I was, too. My everything hurt.

"Yeah. Same." I flopped down to the floor and panted like a dog.

"Where are your cups?" He asked.

"Kitchen. Just search through the cupboards. Get me one, too?"


He returned minutes later with a large, beautiful glass of water. I drank it quickly. Zayn was leaning up againt the counter in my kitchen.

"Soo...." He said.

"Yeeeaaah. I. . .uh. . .am sorry about what happened with you and Perry." I said.

"Yeah. Me, too."

That's what we talked about for the next hour and a half. I felt like a really bonded with him. I felt like, he was my friend when I finally fell asleep and 5 in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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