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A/N: SORRY FOR THE WAIT AND THE SHORTNESS D: BTW DEAN'S POV IS NEXT :) I also apologize  for any mistakes, and thanks to my friend who checked over for any too obvious mistakes I might've made :) Enjoy

Castiel’s POV

Castiel slowly opened his eyes, and was met with faces staring down at him. He was back home.

“Castiel! Good to see you awake.” Uriel gave him a slight nod, and stepped back.

“What happened?” Castiel asked, as he slowly climbed off the healer’s bed.

“Seems like our dear brother Gabriel paid you a visit. He dropped you off and was gone before anyone noticed. We only knew it was him cause of his lingering traces left on you.”

“Gabriel…? But isn’t he…down at Earth?” Now Castiel was extremely puzzled. Why would Gabriel be there? Most of all, why would Gabriel come back to heaven…just for him? Hearing his thoughts, Uriel gave him a weird look.

“Gabriel probably felt the need to perform ‘brotherly duties’” Uriel replid, guffawing loudly at his ‘human joke’ with angels around him. Brotherly duties…That reminded Castiel of something. Dean! Castiel opened his wings to fly to the lake that allowed him to see Earth, but as he spread his wings, every angel in the room gasped. This made Castiel falter in his movements, and glanced back. His wings! They were charred black, unlike the usual wing colors. The mark of Hell. Castiel shuddered and took off, leaving all the angels behind as they scrutinized his wings.

As soon as Castiel arrived at the lake, he knelt down and muttered Dean’s name under his breath. He stepped back as the lake rippled, and soon showed an image of Dean in a gas station. He had made it! Looking down at Dean, Castiel’s grace began to pulse in approval. “DEAN!” He cried out excitedly. But all he could see was Dean looking around in panic, and pouring salt on all the entry ways. “Dean?” Castiel tried again, and watched with horror as Dean dropped to the ground, covering his ears. “I don’t understand…you should be able to hear me! Is this some kind of joke?!” Castiel winced as the windows in the gas stations shattered. All he was doing was causing Dean pain. Dean couldn’t hear him, and no longer belonged to him anymore. Yet, he could still feel his grace tugging downwards, towards Dean. "Mine," Castiel said fiercely, as he felt the fury build up within. It was time to pay Dean a visit.

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