66 seals

99 7 3

A/N: Sorry for the late update, writers block and the lost of inspiration + school really kills. If you're still reading this - I love you.  Thanks to HappyTeaPanda for editing! <3

Castiel's POV:

"Dean Winchester has broken the first seal, how could such a weak man be the righteous one? The one our Father has chosen? Surely there must be a mistake." an angel next  to Castiel spat, his displeasure showing on his face. Castiel's grace flared and a unknown sensation washed over him.

"He has been tortured for 40 years, I bet half the angels here can't even last half as long!"

Castiel shot back instinctively.

Castiel took a menacing step towards the other angel, as his grace contorted until he towered over the other angel. All at once, the hot burning sensation left him, and Castiel felt at peace like he usually was, once more.

"I-I apologize. I do not know what overcame m-" Castiel started, before being cut off as one of his superior walked towards him.

"Castiel!" His superior's grace shaped in a way that slightly hovered over Castiel,  his aura commanded respect. Castiel couldn't help but note the difference how his name sounded from an angel from the way Dean said it, the way angels would put emphasis on different syllables but still in a monotonous way.

"You are in charge of Dean Winchester," Castiel's grace stirred.

"However, do not be swayed by their words. The Winchester brothers are conniving, faithless and untrustworthy. They do not believe in our Father, and are sinners of the worst degree." For the first time in Castiel's existence, he wanted to hit his superior. Castiel moved one step back in horror at his thoughts. What is happening to me? Is this what the humans call emotion? Am I falling?  

"CAS-TI-EL!" His superior called at him, pronouncing his name in that weird way again, slightly impatient at Castiel's lack of concentration.

"Lead him, he is to be on our side, our puppet. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Follow your orders Castiel, make our Father proud." His superior shot him a skeptic look, before turning around and flying away.

Castiel felt a tug on his grace, and next thing he knew he was spiraling down towards Earth. He opened his wings to slow down the flight, confused as to what was happening.

"Cas…Cas help me...please…" Recognizing Dean's voice, a sudden rush of urgency came over him. His tucked his wings and began to nose dive down towards Earth, heading towards the bright beacon his grace in Dean had set for him. Mine.

The flight was so fast Castiel was next to Dean in seconds. He watched as Dean thrashed on the bed and began to reach his hand towards Dean's head when thundering footsteps resounded through the house. Sam Winchester. Castiel changed himself into his own dimension, and watched as Dean woke up and lied to his brother. Castiel waited until Sam had left and Dean had settled down, before inching towards Dean. Placing his hand on Dean's head, Castiel was sucked into Dean's dream.


Dean was hanging on the racks, pieces of him hanging on the hooks beside him. The hell dogs circled around Dean, slowly closing in on their prey. Castiel watched as Dean struggled against the hooks, the chains thudding together and making loud, clinking noises as Dean shook violently.

"SAMMY HELP ME! PLEASE!" Dean seemed to be yelling at a blurred figure in a distance, but received no reply. Suddenly a voice boomed throughout Dean's head.

"See Dean? He's forgotten all about you. Living his apple pie life, with a girlfriend and a pet. He never wanted you there. You were merely holding him back! Don't deny it Dean. Look at how happy he looks...without you." Tears began to rush down Dean's face, and he began to tug on the chains harder.

"I'm sorry Sammy! Please help me I'm begging you! PLEASE!"  A manic laugh resounded loudly, and blood slowly trickled out of Dean's ear.


 Castiel couldn't watch anymore.  He gathered himself together, and with a swipe of his hands, he made everything disappear. For a moment, Castiel had felt...sympathy. Angels don't have emotion, you fool. It must be because you've spent too much time with Dean Winchester. He bent down and whispered into Dean's ear what his superiors had wanted him to.

"Lilith had cast a spell that has released all witnesses. This is the first of the 66 seal that, if all are broken, will release Lucifer from the depths of hell."

"Why didn't they come help us?" Dean asked, in his dream state.

"We have bigger problems," Castiel grated out, all the sympathy draining out of him as he felt his superior calling him back.

"Good bye Dean." And with that, Castiel forced himself to leave Dean, ignoring the parts of his grace calling him back to Dean.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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