Christmas break

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:This might be a trigger warning:
Months go by, and my life is a very living hell. At home I get beat because my no good lousy father is a drunk and well my mother died when I was 9. It was getting close to Christmas break and I was looking forward to spending two weeks alone to myself. Of course I won't have any Christmases because my dad stopped talking to all of his family, so I got the shaft on that one. I will spend this whole break in my room with the music blaring. The last day before break we didn't do anything at school so I just left and went home, hopefully my father won't be home and I can get food and go to bed.
Once I return home, my father is there, questioning my every move and in those few seconds I know I should run, but where, I have no friends or family so I just deal with the consequences. The beatings are done and I run to my room black and blue tears streaming down my face.

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