Justin and Austin, the same?? I don't think so.

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First off.. I would like to say that I respect Justin Bieber in EVERY way.. I just dont respect those beliebers that hate on Austin Mahone because they think that he is copying their idol. It pisses me off... he is his own person, just like they are. There are PLENTY of differences between Justin and Austin. 

Here are some of the biggest differences:

First off, Justin mostly does pop music while Austin can do pretty much anything. From country to RnB to pop rock. They do not, and I repeat DO NOT sound the same. While Austin has more more of a low voice, Bieber sometimes sounds like a little girl getting her fingers stuck in a car door, no hate.. I still love him.

Second of all, they have very different backgrounds. While Justin's parent split when he was young,  Austin's dad died when he was young. They have lived many different life experiences, some worst than others.

And finally, they have different childhoods. Austin grew up in Texas, where he was bullied for being different: different style, different tastes than other kids of his age. Justin grew up in a small town in Canada. He was also bullied, but because his family wasn't the richest and he didn't always have new clothes.

They have different styles of music AND clothes. Even if people say that Austin tries to copy Justin in his choice of clothing, I don't agree. 

They are alike in some ways too:

They were both discoverd on youtube, but by different people. At the biggining, Austin didn't put videos of him singing, but Justin has been putting them up since he started his youtube account. 

They both have fanbases of teenaged girls. Mahomies for Austin and Beliebers for Justin.

 So, my point is that they are two VERY different people although they have a few things in common. Justin is one of Austin's idols, so it's only normal that he looks up to him. Plese stop comparing them, Beliebers. Don't do it unless you know all the facts. Thank you <3


A/N- Sorry for that... I was just pissed off and wanted to share what I tought was true. If I had some of the facts rong, please tell me and i'll go change them. 

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