My eyes... Help

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Pink eyes? No!

Blind? No! 

Need glasses? Already have them so no!

Dry eyes? DING! DING! DING! That's it!!!!

  So here's the thing: I started wearing contacts a few months back, in the summer. As you may or may not know, summers is Canada can get humid, so my eyes weren't dry when I wore my contacts. But as time passed, and summer changed to fall, the air started getting dryer and dryer. So were my eye. 

  I started school about a month and a half ago: at the beginning of September. About a month later, I starting noticing red around the irises of my eyes, mostly when I wore contacts. I let it slip for about a week before I noticed it was getting worse and worse. By the middle of October, when fall started, the pain was becomming almost unbearable. So I went to the optometrist.

  My optometrist said it could be two things: dry eyes or allergies. He said that it was most likely the first one because I has noticed that the air at school was a bit dryer that the one and home. Ho told me to put drops for dry eyes when I wore my contacts, but guess what!! It made my eyes burn!! 

  It'd been about a week since I last wore contacts and I put them on again today to test them out again. My eyes became even redder than usual after only 3 hours. In the middle of french class, my eyes started burning so much, the pain was unbelievable. I raised my hand and asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom to take them out. 

  It has been about 5 hours since I took out my contacts and my eyes are still as red as they were then! How can I get rid of the reddness? What kind of eyedrops can I try? I already tried the Visine for Dry Eyes (those were the ones to make my eyes burn). Are my eyes red because im not cut out to wear contacts or is it only because the air is dry??? HELPPPP!!!!!


A/N: Sorry, Im just really curious as to what is happenning to my eyes!! its scaring me :S 

And i'm posting another entry in no time, probably today, so stay posted!!!

                                                      Bye!! XX Nadine 

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