The Light, The Granny, The Death

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"Oh okay," he said nodding while we walked around the village. He was asking people if they seen a bright light anywhere. Some joked by saying 'the sun' or 'you're not very bright.'

We finally got to a magic library and when we walked in the librarians quickly looked up at us. "Excuse me, sir and miss, you've been asking around about your memories haven't you," an old woman asked.

"Yeah, how do you know," he answered then asked.

"My husband and I were once in the same boat," she said as she pointed to an old man.

"Ah so have you seen it," he asked.

"No but, look around in our library there was a couple books about regaining lost memories," she said as she pointed to a section.

We got to work, every day for 2 years we came to that library and studied a few books and I realized that I liked Natsu. In 2 months he quickly grew smarter and he even developed a new magic called 'memory mess', even though it's a bit dark he practiced it.

It abled him to mess with others memories and even rewrite them after he read them to full entirety. That means every emotion, every pain they felt he would feel them ten fold, but in a quick dose. In another two months, we ran short on money and the old woman gave us a job in the library.

"Make sure you put them back in alphabetical order or I hit you with every book I have in this library and make you put them back in the right order then I would shove the duster up your ******," she would always say and Natsu would cover my ears before she started cursing and I saw him flinch a couple times after that he got to work pronto.

I sat there reading an open book and reading his notes, they became more and more clear, but after awhile he figured out the magic should not be used and wrote them in a language no one could read but him and me.

After 2 years the lady helped Natsu beat his fear of his magic by saying "That ghost girl over there will never leave you, nor will the friends you have in your heart, sure your magic is made for destruction, but that had never bothered you before." After she would finish she would give Natsu a kind of smile that would break the walls of his heart.

Soon the old man died leaving the old woman alone, but she was still as kind as the days he was here. Natsu would do anything to help the old woman and I felt jealous of her, it was pitiful to feel jealous of her since he saw her as a dear friend and she saw him as a son. But I wanted his attention all the time, and then she noticed it and gave a little smirk towards me.

Then she walked up to me and said, "You got an eternity of life, to confess to him is easy, so you should do it now before he croaks." She would give me a dirty smile after that and she would always make me blush.

Soon the books became more difficult and we had to learn different languages to be able to read them, and he did learn the new languages. After a month, we decided that 10 more books would be enough, but in that month the old woman died and I had comforted Natsu, so he found out that she was a wizard from fairy tail.

Her husband wasn't a wizard, though, and she loved him even if he would forget her sometimes. 'Just like me and Natsu, wait why am I thinking like that me and him can never get married,' I thought to myself while patting his head while he mourned for the old woman.

(Getting back to the point) Soon we found a bag that had a magic circle that stored over 100 things and would still stay small but the weight would be the same. So we grabbed one hundred books that we needed for the road and left. Natsu grew stronger carrying that bag and he could now run with 2000 pounds on his back.

He could lift the pouch with one hand and we soon found another bag like it and we took it with us and stored magic items inside of it. He found a cloak that abled the dead to have some human-like qualities; I could chat with others and he could chat with me in public without looking insane. I could even hug him, or even punch him if needed.

The reason I never told him was because I was afraid of the after effects; he would forget the two years we spent together and he would even forget that I even exist. I was afraid of being left alone again. Though soon I would have to leave him be and save his friends.

We soon found the memory and remembered everything about them. He even asked me, "Is this really me, because I am awesome."

I would always answer with a nod and then I would roll my eyes at his arrogant attitude. After awhile when slept I read those books after I got the cloak, and I even figured out a way to return all of his memories. I never told him, still to this day he doesn't know.

I only have two years left with him and it always saddened me at the thought. Sometimes I thought it to be better for him to forget me though he would make me smile and forget my saddest thoughts. Soon I realized that I had completely fallen in love with him.

One day while he slept, I returned him to his original age. He still looked the same, but he became a bit taller and when I changed him back he hadn't noticed. Because I let him keep his growth spurt, he's about Gray's height.

A quick chapter, glad you enjoyed it hopefully!

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