Of dreams and memories

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A new chapter in Fairies are real. Now it's time for Natsu's dream please keep reading.

* Natsu's Memories *

"ZEREF BIG BROTHER," I call out shouting in a giant forest on the outskirts of town looking from the left to the right noticing every bug that flies by to every ripple of the lake that follows the warm feeling of the wind that is caress my face gently with the leaves from the tree's following. The sun was barely there, but it supplied us with little light, there was enough to see his shadow by a tree in the green grass that had flown with the wind.

He hasn't noticed that I've found him and I only giggled at his actions; we were playing hide and seek. I walk up to his shadow and turn my head only to see nothing. I hear a rustle from the tree's branches and hear a thud as something grabs me from behind and lifts me up into the air when I turned my head I shouted, "ZEREF BIG BROTHER."

"You've found me," he says with a small smile and I look up into his black eyes full of happiness as he's holding me up from my waist, I was berated with shock and I watched as his hair follows the warm wind and the sunlight shined upon his face. He places me down and I smile back up at his face, holding my arm out and placing my index and middle finger up to make a peace sign.

"Now I get to choose dinner," I grinned in a boasting manner.

"No way, it's my turn," he grunts as he pushes me back.

"Nuh uh," I shout out as I falter only to run forward and push him back as he falters and pushes me back into the lake.

"Now I'm soaked and cold," I shouted clearly displeased by this action.

"Then get out of the river and let's go home and eat," he chuckled while bending down and holding his right arm out extending his hand towards me. I reach my arm and extend my hand and grasp onto his hand giving a small smile as well while the sun sets behind us. I get up from the cold rippling pond and we started walking out of the forest to our home town.

We get to town and we head to the bakers, pushing the door open and getting a waft of the baking sweets and bread. "Mama said we had to get bread," Zeref said waltzing up to the counter still holding my hand.

"Can I pay pretty please," I begged with my puppy eyes, I wanted to be like a real adult and pay the baker lady upfront as the old woman giggled with Zeref at my action.

"Fine," Zeref complied and finally had given into my wishes and handed me the joules.

"One loaf of garlic bread," I said quickly taking the joules and handed the joules to her, I was feeling glorious.

"Alright," she smiled at us taking the joules and placing it in a magic box that stored joules. She ran back into the kitchen and came out with two plates full of a sweet smelling object and it had some weird gooey sticky looking stuff at the top that held a strawberry in place; She handed it down to us as we looked at the strange contraption she giggled.

"We didn't order this," Zeref said handing the object back.

"I know, it's my new invention, since you order here a lot I'll let you chose out the name after you eat it all up," she said laughing looking at us handing us silverware.

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