Morning Run

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     The musical alarm on my phone went off, forcing me to drag myself out of bed at 4:30 in the morning. I pulled on a pair of jogging shorts, a tank top and then threw my long blond hair up in a ponytail. I shoved my feet into my sneakers and then tiptoed through the house and out the front door. Once outside, I broke out into a slow jog and only began to go faster as my muscles warmed up. I ran up the street and passed the intersection all the small, rundown, family owned shops and businesses lined. As I rounded a corner and began to head towards the more rural area of the town, sweat dripped from my temples. Back home, temperatures reached in the seventies and eighties and only occasionally the nineties this time of year. I was used to running in that. Here temperatures seemed to be in the high nineties all the time. That was why I got up earlier than I normally did. It was cooler when it was dark. Apparently that was not the case this morning. Welcome to southern California.

I was just slowing my pace to take a quick break when a dark figure appeared out of nowhere and collided with me. I stumbled back, startled and ready to bolt, but saw under the light of the weak street light that it was only a Mexican boy my age with a backpack on his back. He was a good looking kid with dark toned skin, deep brown eyes and jet black hair. His lips were full, his shoulders broad and his arms somewhat muscular.

"I'm sorry." he said in clear English. "I wasn't paying attention. My mind was... wandering. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you. You just scared me."

"Sorry," he said again. "What are you doing out here so early anyway?"

"I am on my daily morning run. I'm also exploring the town."

I saw whatever was troubling the boy before fade from his mind and his eyes sharpened with curiosity. "That's right. You are new to McFarland, aren't you?"

"Yeah I just moved here Friday with my family. My father is going to be the new gym teacher at the high school."

"Well, welcome to McFarland. My name is Thomas Valles."

I shook his hand. "Julie White. What are you doing out here so early? Are you running too?"

He smirked. "Running to work,"

I was amazed. "Before school?"

"I am a picker. I work in the fields. A lot of us do. After school we go back to work."

"I'm sorry. That sounds miserable."

Thomas shrugged. "I'm used to it. I have to go, but I'll see you around."

"Sure," He sprinted towards the fields and I continued my run.


Hey everyone, I won't bother you with many notes. This may be my only one. I just wanted to say that this fanfiction is going to be a lot like the movie. I just felt that Julie should be a stronger and more prominent character. I also wanted to explore the relationships between her and Thomas and the team so I have changed some things up. I have written several fanfictions, but mainly for myself. This is the first time I have written for others to see my stories so I am very excited. Don't be afraid to give me constructive criticism. I am always looking to improve my writing.

p.s. I will try to update at least once a week.

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