Team Fashion Show

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Six days before State, our new uniforms arrived. Señora Diaz had come up with the designs and took care of everything so they were shipped to her house. We all went there to try them on. I changed in the bathroom while the boys all changed in Thomas' room. Dad and Señora Diaz stayed in the sitting room and when we were ready, she turned on pumped up music.

"McFarland Cougars!" she cried and the fashion show began.

"Tu primera, princesa."

I winked at the boys before strutting into the room as if I were on a runway. I turned once, flipping my ponytail over my shoulder to show off the cougar face on the back of my red Adidas jacket. I smoothly flipped my white Cougars cap on and then joined my Dad and Señora Diaz who were both clapping enthusiastically. Thomas came in next dancing to the music. All the boys did. They each came in one after the other showing off their own style as well as the nice red pants, Cougars jacket, the McFarland tank top they wore underneath and the hat.

Noticing Dad squinting at his hat, Thomas took it off and handed it to him. Dad chuckled. "Does Cougars look spelled right to you?" Señora Diaz had spelled it with an E instead of an A.

Thomas laughed. "If you tell her, we'll kill you man."

After, Señora Diaz called for a group photo and the boys groaned. "Don't tell me no."

"Yeah guys, don't tell her no!" I teased, getting into place. They filed in on either side of me and we wrapped our arms around each other, smiling for the camera.

"Muy bien,"

"Muchas gracias por los uniformes, Señora. Son maravilloso."

"De nada, Julie. Me alegra que te gusten."

"Look at you showing off your Español." Johnny teased.

"I've continued my studies. It also helps that I have teachers whose first language is Spanish and are willing to give me lessons now and then as well."

"You're really fitting in with us Mexicanos now."

"You bet I am."

"Look at us." Damacio said, spinning once. "We're not just going to State. We're going to State in style." We all laughed and gave each other high-fives. We knew that soon the realization would hit us and the upcoming race would become more and more intimidating, but right now we felt as bold as the cougars printed on our uniforms.

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