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Yes, I know that the photo above is Matt DiRito from Pop Evil. He was a good reference of the character that I had in mind, so I needed a picture of him.

The last song by "Rancid Fury" played and the crowd screamed in response, lifting their fists in the air, cheering them on. Taylor watched as the band gathered to the front of the stage and bowed together in sync. Once more, the fans yelled. Soon they all exited the area as the next band came. Wanting to stay and listen to "Witch's Death", Taylor kept trying to figure out if she wished to finish the concert or meet the pervious artists that just got done preforming. Two songs at least, then it might be a good time to linger her way to "Rancid Fury".

To her surprise, Up All Night by Hinder played from the five men that stood on the stage. Wondering why they were preforming a cover song, Taylor decided it'd be okay to find the opening band since she was already familiar with that particular song. Shoving through the crowd, Taylor pushed people out of the way and finally made it to the back of the venue, where a table and the four members stood, signing a couple of posters and CD's for fans. Standing at the end of the line, she swallowed hard, placing a lock of hair behind her ear. It's not like her to get nervous like this, there was just something about this new band that greatly intrigued her.

Next in line, Taylor inched closer to the table, she quickly glanced at the Singer, then made full eye contact. She stammered; her voice a bit wavy. "H-hello, my name's Taylor." She smiled and held her hand out, but before the Lead Singer could take grasp, the Bassist quickly jumped in front of his friend and took hold of Taylor's hand, shaking it with a playful smirk. "Hi, nice to meet you Taylor! I'm Sharpe, David Sharpe." He spoke.

"David," She repeated, a sparkle in her eye. "nice to meet you too! Aren't you the Bassist?" Asked Taylor, a small bit of her accent being heard.

"Yes, he is," Started the Singer, pushing David off of him and out of the way. "I'm Jason by the way, and this piece of shit here, always tries to make first impressions with the ladies." He teased.

Taylor laughed at his statement and began to properly meet the band. "Well, I just wanted to say that you guys rocked back there."

"Thank you, darling, thats real sweet of ya to say."

"Where are you from?" David asked, bringing all of his attention to Taylor.

"About ten minutes away from here."

"Really? So do I! We should hang out sometime."

"And what makes you say that?" Taylor asked with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Because you are a beautiful, fine-looking girl, who seems lonely."

Stepping out of the way for other people waiting in line, Taylor moved aside, around the table to continue the conversation.

"Why do you think I'm lonely?" She asked David, shocked as if he could see right through her. "You did come to a concert by yourself, ya'know." He grinned looking down into her eyes again with his piercing, sky blue one's. He did have a point, Taylor hasn't been with a guy since High School and her only friend was her roommate Jenni, and a few close mates throughout town. "Alright, you're correct. I don't have many people in my life."

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"I've got nothing planned."

"Tonight is our last concert for a while. Wanna see if we could maybe go somewhere?"

"Are you asking me out on a date Mr. Sharpe?" She smirked.

"Possibly." The Bassist spoke with a higher pitch-tone, face blushing a shade of red.

"...Sure, that'd be nice." Taylor said, smiling and nodding her head.

"Great...here, I'll give you this, call me." David said, handing a crumbled up piece of paper with a phone number written on it to her. As she received the information, Taylor said farewell to David and the rest of the band. She exited the building and walked to her car and started down the narrow cement road in the darkened night, heading home.

David watched as Taylor left, his mind full of many thoughts about this stunning girl and the past conversation he recently had with her. Pulling up his black mane of hair in a low bun, and putting on his glasses, scratching the bit of brown facial hair on his chin, David helped his friends pack the trailer with instruments and sound equipment. To get motivated to move the heavy objects, he put in a pair of earbuds and listened to Remedy by Seether; as well shuffled a playlist of Rock songs on his iPod. For the rest of the night David Sharpe had Taylor Moore stuck in his head. Even though the only thing he knew of this different woman was her first name, there was just some sort of connection between the two artists.


Entering the house, Taylor came in to find that Jenni had read the note that she left on the fridge and was sound asleep in her bed. Taylor changed into more comfortable clothes and fixed something simple to eat. She stayed up for about thirty minutes, then soon fell asleep on the sofa in the living room.


Taylor woke up to the sound of her best friend yelling in her ear. "Who is David?" Screamed Jenni.

"What-what are you talking about?" She asked in a dry, scratchy voice from the deep slumber.

"I found a piece of crumbled up paper on the floor with a name and number. Did you meet someone at the local venue last night?"

"Yeah, I might have met the Bassist of a band." Said Taylor, sitting up-right onto the sofa.

"A Bassist? Ooo, Taylor!"

"Shut up!" She said aloud, hitting her roommate in the side with a pillow. "Alright girly, well I'm off to work. Have fun with this 'David' fellow." Jenni winked.

"Work? Already? What time is it?"


"Damn, sorry I slept so late."

"That's fine, you needed the rest. See ya in a few hours."

The two said their goodbyes. Taylor slowly got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen to make food. She grabbed her phone and paper; gazing down at it, wondering if she really should call David or not. I mean, she did feel some sort of positive energy around the guy, plus thought he wasn't that bad looking and he was very sweet to her. 'What do I have to lose?' She thought to herself as she began to dial the first digits.

MetalheadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora