What ?

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We arrived at the clan lands. The Devil threw my bag at me , me catching it easily.
She began to walk jangling her keys me following. She reached a large house , " the pack house " she said coldly inhaling the smells around her her shoulders relaxing visibly. She led me inside growling at anyone who stared too long. She led me up to two huge mahogany doors:

" Good Luck " she laughed knocking for me and pushing open the door and began to walk away. " SYDNEY " the voice shouted. She rolled her eyes , spun on her heels , and walked back over.

She pulled me inside bowing her head " father " and I follow suit bowingmy head and muttering something thing similar to " alpha". " Sydney don't disrespect me. I overpower you and will be glad when you aren't my problem anymore". I watched her eyes never leave her father's her cold fury matching his.
He suddenly jumped up flipping chair walking to his daughter. " We're going the shed " he gripped her by the scruff of her neck dragging her outside. I cowered away in fear her rebellious behavior surprising me.

I stood in the office unsure of what to do when a girl entered her curly honey blonde hair and honey blonde cat ears bouncing with every step, Her piercing blue eyes stood out as they scanned the room finally landing on me.

She walked over into introducing herself as Mia. She pulled me quickly until we came to a bedroom with my bag laying on the floor, " You must stay here now do not leave. I will bring you food later and tomorrow you must wake up at 8:00 and get ready for the choosing ceremony. There is a dress in your closet and makeup in the vanity. The bathrooms over there. " she whispered quickly. " Wait , what's the choosing ceremony" I asked quietly. " You will be chosen by a male to become his mate" she said and then quickly exits the room as I heard a lock click. I heard yelling and I saw the Devil a girl named Sydney apparently, being dragged across the lawn to a relatively big shed but she was putting up a fight as good one to until her father pulled out something I couldn't recognize from where I stood. Her yells silenced instantly as her father lugged her inside slamming the door , I'm guessing he threatened her with a form of catnip. Catnip is like alcohol to half cats it burns and strings and is the most awful substance I can think of and takes toll making us as docile and forgetful  as babies. Catnip comes in several different forms liquid , powder , creams , etc. You name it they have it.

I turned away from the window at the sound of a knock on the door " Come in " I said tiredly. A man around my age in white apron comes in and hands me a bowl of soup. " It's tomato , just leave it on the stand next to the bed when your done. Have a good night " he said exiting the room quickly before I had a chance to say anything back. I ate the soup to tired to function properly. I set the bowl down set my alarm and collapsed on the bed.

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