New Days New Times

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When we reached the truck Sydney took a deep breath looking back at us and placed a finger to her lips quieting us immediately.

She opened the door slowly only to find her father grinning his stupid, evil grin right at her.

Sydney, just rolled her eyes pulling her duffle bag over her shoulder and handing my bag to me.

"Later" she said as the sound of her voice broke the silence. She slammed the door of the truck and I was quick to place my hand reassuringly on her shoulder. I knew I couldn't make her do anything she didn't want to but it seemed to help her a little.

"Bye Bastard Child" he called after her and she took a deep breath. I knew things could get really ugly really fast, so I took a step back beside Griffon and he let his arm slide around my waist and pull me closer to his side.

Alpha Hex stood watching Sydney with curious eyes.

Sydney was frozen on the spot for a few minutes and then suddenly, she dropped her bag and she was gone.

Griffon wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug as I struggled against him.

Hex picked up Sydney's bag took in her scent and just as fast was after her.

I heard his annoying laughter behind me and I yelled, "SHUT THE HELL UP FOR ONCE". Griffon just tightened his hold on me and there was no way I was getting out of that. 

Griffon hefted me over his shoulder as I went semi-pliant and picked up Sydney's duffle bag out of the dirt and began carrying me towards a blue truck in the distance.

Once we reached the truck he set out bags in the truck bed and set me into the backseat before walking around the truck and sliding into the seat next to me.

"Don't worry Hex will find her, he's pretty good at that stuff" Griffon said in an attempt to reassure me.

"It's not that, it's the fact that she's the toughest person I know and that she would just run off like that is scary. To be fair I don't know many people but I'm still really worried about her" I replied my face pressed against the cool glass of the truck window.

Griffon didn't say anything in response and I decided that was probably for the better.

I lost track of time but probably a good 30 minutes went by before I heard footsteps and moved to see whoever was coming.

I didn't expect to see Sydney arms crossed, head down, with tear streaks down her face walking beside Alpha Hex who had his hand resting on the small of her back.

She got in the passage seat of the truck with hidden eyes, daring someone to make a remark. Hex just gave her a look and a half sympathetic smile, as he climbed in the driver's seat and she settled down closing her eyes.

It was quite a long ride and I managed to stay awake for a few hours before I succumbed to the relaxing humming of the truck and shut my eyes for a quick nap.

I woke up a little while later and blinked a few times, rubbing my eyes till I could see clearly. I realized the truck had stopped and it was probably around midnight if the clock on the truck's dashboard was right. I looked around climbing out of the empty truck, glancing around the gas station parking lot.

I stretched yawning and saw Sydney walk out of the gas station with Griffon and Hex. Sydney and Hex were laughing and smiling, while Griffon had an amused smirk plastered on his gorgeous face.

Our eyes locked and his face shifted, breaking out into a goofy smile that I just had to return.

"Catch" I turned quickly as Sydney threw a bottle of water and a bag of chips in my direction. I caught the water in my left hand but I had to jump to catch the chips in my right, I somehow managed to successfully make both catches and not fall on my butt.

"Thanks" I said and she nodded. "How far away are we" I questioned Griffon and he just shrugged. "We aren't supposed to tell you" Hex responded before climbing back in the truck.

"C'mon, slow poke" Sydney taunted me and I climbed back into the truck.

I dug into my snacks the minute the truck started moving. The radio was turned on and I just nodded my head to the beat of some song I didn't know.

Sydney knew all the words and Hex was just shaking his head at her and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat as Sydney lip-synced to the whole song.

I went back to sleep after a while, the truck ride was really boring honestly and I didn't really have much to do, with my bag in the truck bed.

I woke up again a little dizzy and disoriented until I remembered where I was. I looked next to me and saw Sydney playing on a phone, I assumed it was Hex's. I looked up front and I could see the blonde haired Alpha asleep in the passenger seat and Griffon holding the steering wheel loosely.

Sydney passed me my PS Vita with a wink and I mouthed a "thank you". I started playing Persona 4 and it was a great time. I checked the time and found it was 4 am. The sun would be up pretty soon and I was not excited. The dark kept it cooler and AC made it too cold.

Sydney gave me a look of pure confusion before passing over the phone. The GPS app was open and out location was in the middle of no where land. I scrolled around and literally saw no cities towns or anything remotely close to a good clan location.

I passed the phone back to Sydney and she continued to do something with the technology in her hands. I went back to killing things in Persona 4 which was pretty nice.

The truck came to a sudden halt and Hex and Griffon spun around in their seats to face us.

"Sorry but this is a necessary thing" Hex said. I turned and looked at Sydney who looked back at me.

I felt a pinch on my neck and things started to go darker. I tried to fight the blackness that was consuming me. My heart rate picked up as I began to panic.

Then I felt nothing. It was dark and warm. I was suddenly really really sleepy, a nap sounds really really good.

I fell asleep curled in a ball to the sound of my breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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