Chapter 1

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"Kansas, baby i cant believe you are coming back home!" said mom.
"Yeah I know it is a long flight from Queensland." I replied
I was on the flight, coming home to sweet , sweet Kansas.
"Anyway mom, the flight is taking off got to go . Talk to you when we arrive in Texas!."
"Bye sweetie."
"So," said Dallas, "Hows mom?"
"Ooh sorry," I apologized to my twin sister, you were in the bathroom and i forgot to ask her to wait."
"Im good, but thanks anyway," sighed Dallas
Dallas and I have been the best of friends, we shifted the same time and went to college the same time, we even went to the same college, she even met her mate in Queensland. She and Austin makes the best couple. We are all best friends because we were named after cities in Texas. Tge plane takes off. All electronics disabled. Sleep, at last.

I looked over to where Dallas and Austin are sitting, they are holding hands. I wonder if our pack would let him in, his pack let us in for our four years of college.
I want my mate.
Eliza wants our mate.
I am a wreck...
I think I am just going to go asleeep...

19 hours and three stops later

"Ugh, I am so glad we are finished with planes, remind me why we went to Australia again." said Dallas
"You said it would be cool," I answered
"Dont say you didnt enjoy Australia," cried Austin with his best sad face on.
"Oh I didnt mean it like that," said Dallas comforting the whimpering Austin.
"Get a room!" I shouted as their lips closed in on each other. Moving in perfect harmony.
Damn, I want that.

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