Chapter Eight

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This chapter contains sexual scenes do not read if you cant handle it

First thing in the mornin around 12:00 am Matthew woke me up.
" C'mon I have something to show you."
I obeyed, i got up and followed him outside.
"I want to show you my old house."
said Matthew.
"Okay" I said. Following him up to a rocky mountain.
"This is it, Home Sweet Home!"
said Matthew.
"Its really spacey," i said.
"I know its not the castle but still its where I grew up."
He went inside and brought back a small boy. He was sleeping.
"This is my brother,"said Matthew, "His name is Jordan. He and I were adopted after the Lion realized he would never have children."
"He is so adorable!" I squealed.
"Is he cuter than me?"asked Matthew.
"By alot." I said as I pecked his lips.
"What was that for?"he asked.
" That's just because I love you." I replied.

I removed the sex scene because i believe it is a little too graphic

As they arrived home they meet a very angry Dakota on the Patio.

"Where have you been all night?" Demanded Dakota.

"Out." I said, she cant talk to me like that.

"Oh yeah,my mom leaves from 12:00 in the morning I go to check on her at 12:01 she and her mate arent here, and another thing you smell different. no wait, no you didnt omigosh you too mated!" she was being very bipolar at the moment. First she is mad, then worried, then happy for me.

"Its nothing." said Matthew as he smiled at me.
"Nothing, you fucking mated my mom and you say Its nothing." She shouted, waking up Jordan.
"Watch your language." I scolded, slapping her in the face.
Dakota screamed again as I told her to go to her room.
"I hate you!" She screamed.
"Teenagers,right," Matthew chuckled, "too soon?"
I glared at him but then rolled my eyes.
"Hey Jordan," i said looking at the now awake little boy. "I think you're gonna like me." I smiled at him.
"I think so too." He said, smiling back.

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