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"Umm Mikey, if you want we can ask for another question" the radio host whose name I can't seem to remember at the moment was the first to speak.

"Yeah, um we can do that. I'm sorry to whoever wanted me to answer this question.  I'll get back to you guys on this subject at a later time" I sound so fake but that was something out manager drilled into our brains. If you don't know how to sound sincere, sound professional, fake but professional.it as the only thing I can think of write now the phrase fake it till you make it comes to mind. The nagging question on my brain though is how'd this fan knew that we were apart, I didn't tell anyone, no social media...

What! That buzz from my phone!

I hurriedly pulled out my phone to see that my twitter notifications were on fire, of course when it was in my pocket I didn't take any notice because fans were sending in questions. The only problem was less than half of these were question from fans, the notifications all said two things @AbigailB1995 and @MichaelTW. I scroll down to find the first tweet, trying to find answers to why this is all happening, I've gotten over two hundred tweet in less than an hour. Finally I get to my answer and it has my heart breaking at the seams.

"Hey you guys know that band Toxic Warrior. You also know the guitarist @MichaelTW, well me and him are over. #DontNeedAMan."

Her. It's her fault. Her fault that I just looked like complete fake on the radio. How dare she even say that, don't need a man, she broke up with me because she found a new man. But that would look bad to the public eye. That's why she said it how she did, it makes it look like I was the bad guy, like I broke up with her. On god our manger is going to have my-

    "Well I'd like to thank you guys, Luke, Ashton, Calum and Mikey for coming out today. Thanks for coming to the studio and giving us a good time." It's over? I didn't even notice the last few questions. I should apologize for spacing out but Ashton has already said the goodbyes for the group. All there's left to do is leave and get ready for the lecture I'm bound to get. I can hear the bald angry man now...








"You stupid boy how did you let her get the first word in?"

    I didn't think she'd say anything.

"You thought she wasn't going to use this against you"

    She broke up with me why she would want revenge is beyond me.

    "You let her make the whole band look like jerks" 

    I know. That's the worst part is that this doesn't only make me look bad it reflects on the whole band. I hope they understand that I was going to tell them when I felt it was the right time, when I could believe it myself. These are my best friends and if I don't have them I don't have anyone. I know before that I always had the fans but they could only do so much. I need someone that's right there, everyone does, and that's just how people are. We need company, a shoulder to cry on, a place to vent.

    We start to walk outside and I get a sick feeling in my stomach, something is wrong. When I'd do get a sneak peak of the outside world I see paparazzi everywhere, I can't even see single fan. Considering that there was at least a hundred screaming girls here just a little while ago it amazing to see them all covered up by the nosy men with big cameras. We've dealt with them before but never this many, one the only cons of being famous. These people don't know how to care about people, all they want is a story.

    "Michael why'd you break up with Abigail?"

    "Michael why aren't you answering your fans?"

    "Michael why are you ignoring the situation?"

"Michael, MICHael, MICHAEL?"

Why can't they all just go away? I can't do this, not now.

"Hey guys he's having a bad day just leave alone" Calum speaks up, he must feel terrible. On que as if he remembered that he had to be polite I public he added, "Please."

"Michael what you do to Abagail?"

This one made me turn my head. What he mean what did I do to her. I didn't do anything to her. I-

"Did you beat her Michael?'

"Hey dude what did we say just leave him alone" I'm surprised when I hear the tall blonde shout from behind me.  Luke's the last one I would expect to talk back to the paparazzi, he's usually so quiet when it comes to these people. I can understand why though, they take anything you say, or even if you don't say anything at all they'll and use it against you. They turn the nicest people into criminals.

"What you going to do blondie, fight me, you probably helped him beat her didn't you?" the cruel man's words register with Luke and for the first time I think see him furious, not hurt but furious.

Before I can tell what going on I see Luke with bloody knuckles and the man on the ground, nose deformed and bleeding. Luke just punched that man. In front of all these cameras. We are all so dead.......

Soooooooooo... I kinda got my phone taken away and I forgot to update. Sorry I'm trying to get used to a squelched update but if you've been with me since I wrote my first chapter of my first book (which I deleted and am trying to write again but I haven't been opps) I usually just updated when I write/feel like it. So I apologize I'll try to get better I promise. Love y'all

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