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I was hiding in my bedroom as I waited for him to show. It was always around this time during the evening when he wanted to have "fun".

Footsteps sounded as I tried to hide the fear of knowing that I would probably cry once more. I needed to be strong mom had said, not a coward and cry.

"Where are you my pet?" He called as I said nothing and waited for him to open the door.

"No," I murmured as I felt hands brush the hair from my face.

"Lydia, wake up," I heard a voice and began sobbing as I shook my head.

"No! Don't touch me!"

"Lydia!" Spencer's voice finally came through as I shot up gasping and sobbing. Grabbing the covers I covered my body to realize he had slipped his Tshirt on me.

"Lydia," Spencer spoke cautiously as I saw he was standing by the end of the bed now.

I couldn't speak as I tried to stop shaking. I was safe, no one could hurt me.

Spencer carefully crawled onto the bed and stroked my back as I remained still. I tried not to shy away from his touch because I knew it wasn't the other man...

"Sorry," I whispered and wiped my eyes as I tried to take a deep breath.

"Will you let me hold you?" He asked softly and I felt tears prick my eyes again. He knew.

I nodded and gripped his neck as he brought me to him and smoothed my hair.

"Do you want to talk about it baby?"

"No," I shook as he tried soothing me.

"Do you want me to call Lucinda or your mom?"

I shook my head, "don't go... I'll be okay."

He kissed my hair and held me tighter as I inhaled his scent to try and clear my mind. I was safe now...

"Someone wants to make sure you're okay," Spencer spoke as he bent down to retrieve Charlie.

I cradled the dog in my arms as I patted his head. He looked up at me with worried eyes before yawning, revealing his small teeth.

"If we ever had kids... I don't want them to see me like this," I felt my heart break knowing it probably would happen.

"We'll solve this before we have kids," he brushed my hair out of my face. "You're not alone sweetheart."

Something made me remember what Lucy had said about Spenc having nightmares and I frowned. What had she meant?

"Do you get them too? The nightmares?"

"Yes, they're not like yours but in a way they are. I dream of operations going wrong and not being able to save them in time... Or reliving the rescue of you or Luce and imagining it not working."

"Oh," I felt the breath leave me. I had never thought about that.

"It's never happened right? Where your operation failed..."

"A couple of times," he closed his eyes for a moment. "We almost didn't get to Veronica in time when she got taken..."

I had known the story on that but didn't realize it had been that bad.

"I'm sorry," I caressed his cheek gently as he sighed.

"It's okay... I know I can't always... Save them. But if worse comes to worse, at least they've been removed from the pain permanently."

I said nothing to that as he held me tighter. "I don't know what I would do if I hadn't gotten you."

My heart raced. "You would've continued life without me Spenc."

"Yeah... But life was nothing really for me. I had done everything I could for your sister and had nothing left... When I had found out about you, I couldn't get your photo out of my mind. You were and still are so beautiful, and I felt ashamed that I hadn't known about you sooner to save you."

"You have me now and for eternity," I kissed him gently.

"That's true," he smiled and pressed his forehead against mine.

"I think I'll go to my moms tomorrow to study some," I said after noticing how late it was.

"Okay sweetheart."

I laid back down against him as he wrapped one arm around my waist and kissed the back of my neck.

"I'll be awake until you fall asleep," he reassured me and rubbed his fingers against my skin.

I laid awake in the dark as he continued to rub soothing circles along my side and back. My mind was trying desperately to push the images out so I could fall back asleep but it didn't seem to happen.

I felt Spencer's hand brush against the underside of my breast and shivered.

"Sorry," he whispered and kissed my shoulder.

"It's okay... It felt good actually," I admitted as he stopped for a moment before continuing.

I sighed quietly as he massaged them gently and felt my breathing slow back down.

"Sleep well my love," he whispered softly.

'Let's hope,' I thought to myself before falling back into the darkness.

When I awoke I noticed that Spencer was fast asleep with one arm hanging off the side of the bed. He looked so adorable I couldn't bear to wake him.

Getting up quietly, I crept to make breakfast while waiting.

Deciding on making biscuits and gravy I set to work on mixing the ingredients while humming a tune.

Right after I put the biscuits in the oven, arms wrapped around me and I screamed.

"Whoa, Lydia... It's just me babe," Spencer spoke quietly.

I closed my eyes for a moment to keep from shaking. I hadn't meant to do that, but the nightmare still had me shook up.

"Sorry," I whispered and kept my back to him as I continued to cook breakfast.

"It smells good baby," he pulled out a chair and sat down to keep from freaking me out again.

"Thanks..." I said nothing else as I waited for them to finish baking. What was wrong with me? This hadn't been an issue for a few months now, why was it returning?

'Call Lucy later and ask,' my mind thought as I turned to see Spencer gazing at the tile countertop.

"Hey," I grabbed his hand gently that had been tracing the tile.

"I didn't... I forgot you sometimes scare easily," he murmured.

"I should know by now it's just you," I frowned and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"It's fine," he kissed my hand gently while I blushed. Always a gentleman.

"Ronnie called me and asked if we could watch the kids if T.J. can't? I guess they're doing something later this week and need help watching the three."

"Yeah, I'm sure I can at least along with my mom if it's while you're out of town."

"True... But I know how much Samantha likes the kids, I'm sure her and T.J. will watch them," he smiled.

"Yeah I have a feeling they'll probably get married here soon and have a couple of kids," I teased and knew that's where we would be at some point. It was just not in motion yet because of me.

"I think the food is done," Spencer chuckled as I heard the timer buzzing.

I shot him a thankful look and turned to finish preparing the food, trying not to think too much about anything else.

**Thoughts on the story so far? I have 2 really interesting ideas for this story... But I don't want to spoil it for people.. But I need feedback on what you would prefer. So to keep it as brief as possible would you rather see Lydia have to become a hero, or see her fight to keep Spencer hers due to maybe another "slave" being brought back? Or I could incorporate both! (It'll end up being a long story I think so yay for another book in the Karma series)!**

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