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**Spencer's POV**

Madison didn't say much during the drive back towards my place. She probably was still trying to convince herself that she was safe...

"My girlfriend mentioned something about brownies when I was talking to her," I began, "if you're hungry I'm sure they'll be done by the time we arrive?"

"That sounds great," she glanced back again to make sure no cars were following us.

"Madison," I rested my arm on her shoulder while I continued driving with my opposite, "you're safe now."

"Sorry... I'm sure you tell a bunch of girls this over and over."

"More than you can imagine," I chuckled and thought about Lydia. "I believe the spare bedroom we have has everything that you would need. But if there's something we're forgetting we'll make sure you have it."

"Thank you for letting me stay,"

"It's my job," I told her as we continued the drive in silence.

**Lydia's POV**

A little while later, the front door opened while I was upstairs doing my hair. I had grown tired of just straightening it and tried to do a side french braid... but was failing epically.

"Lydia?" Spencer's voice sounded as I shot up from my seat and jumped down the stairs as fast as I could.

"Spenc," I stopped when I saw the girl who was looking around and gazed at me with an emotion I couldn't place.

"This is Madison, the girl who's staying with us until we can find a relative..." he came over and kissed my forehead as I remained still.

"Hi," I tried to smile while standing akwardly by Spencer. She was breathtaking... why did she have to be so pretty... Yes that sounded harsh, but it was only making my insecurities worse.

"I appreciate you having me," she murmured quietly as she rubbed her arms.

"Shall I show you up to the room?" Spencer spoke to her as I made a break for the kitchen to gather my thoughts. I shouldn't feel so territorial in my own house...

Maybe I would be staying with someone else while she was here...

"Lydia?" Spencer's voice called a few seconds later as I turned around.

"Sorry," I gave a real smile as he walked over and embraced me tightly.

"I promise it won't be for long... she just needs a place to stay," he murmured and kissed me gently as I sighed. Even just a few days from him drove me insane.

"I know..." I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"Would you mind talking to her? You don't have to tell her about your situation... But I think she needs someone other than me to talk to."

"Sure," I pulled away and bent down to pick up Charlie before going upstairs.

The shower was running when I made it to her bedroom and figured I would just wait in my room until she finished. Spencer was right, she would need someone other than him to reassure her that she was safe.

A text from Sam came in minutes later as I glanced to see that T.J. hadn't proposed and she was ranting about it. I stifled a giggle while I replied to her, reassuring her that maybe he wanted us to be there when it happened.

'I guess you're right,' was her reply when I heard the water turn off.

Giving myself a few minutes I thought about what to say before going towards her door.

"Madison? May I come in?"

"Yeah," she called.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and smiled as she was towel drying her hair.

"Did Spencer send you here to talk to me?" She frowned slightly.

"Partially," I admitted, "I realize guys don't always understand everything..."

"It just... It doesn't seem real..." She shook her head, "sorry if this doesn't make any sense."

"I was in your situation too... So trust me, I know what you're going through."

"You do?" She gaped as I sat down and told her a few things about my past.

"And here you are... You seem completely fine," she ended with what sounded like envy.

"I'm flattered that you think I have it all together. There's still days when I feel like someone is coming back to get me... Nights are always the worst."

"Yeah," she agreed and stretched, "well I'm glad to know it has to get better. Did it take you long to get over your fear of men?"

"Yeah," I admitted and thought back to all the times Spencer had wanted to go farther but I held him back.

"Do you mind if I turn in early? I'm exhausted and I don't know how I'll feel in the morning after trying to digest everything that's happened."

"I understand," I patted her arm gently and stood up, "if you need anything... Don't hesitate to call me or Spencer."

"Thank you," she smiled more warmly as I left her bedroom.

Spencer was in our bedroom when I returned.

"Everything alright?"

"Mhm, she warmed up to me a little."

"That's my girl," he patted the spot next to him as I felt his arms wrap around me.

"I love you Lydia."

"I love you too," I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment. "Did Luce tell you our mom is seeing someone?"

"That's news to me," he spoke and planted a tender kiss on my forehead.

"She may not know then, I just found out the other day when I was over..."

"Does... He seem nice?"

"Yeah, Andrew seems like a good guy."

I awoke with a start when I heard screaming coming from the other room. It made my blood run cold knowing it wasn't my own.

"Spenc," I started but felt that the space next to me was empty...

Getting up, I switched on a light and saw that her bedroom door was open and there was whispering.

I moved towards the doorway and saw Spencer holding Madison tightly as he whispered to her that she was safe. It made my heart constrict knowing she was hurting... But it pained me to see him comforting someone the way he did with me. I didn't know why... It just played with my insecurities more than I wanted to admit.

"Sorry," she whispered as he pulled away and touched her shoulder.

"It's okay, just try to get some more rest. I promise no one will find you here."

I retreated from the doorway and went back to our room while waiting for him.

"I'm sorry she woke you," he closed the door quietly.

"How did you know she was going to scream?"

"I heard her mumbling before the screaming started," he ran his hands through his hair.

"Come back to bed sweetheart, you look tired," I coaxed him as he shook his head.

"I will in a few minutes love, I'm going to check on something real fast."

Trying not to be wounded by his rejection, I nodded and crawled back to my spot on the bed. I just prayed I wouldn't have a nightmare tonight about Madison's screams.

**I was determined to update! I'm beginning the next chapter immediately! What do we think about Madison? I could literally take this story in 2 different directions right now but I need opinions from y'all! Shall she be a good girl or no?

Or if you can't come up with an idea at the moment you can answer a simple Q! (Since I like to learn more about you guys. Are you guys early birds or night owls? For me it depends upon the day.**

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