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**Lydia's POV**

I watched him throughout the drive back to our house. Luce and Veronica were going to go see TJ and Sam before collecting the twins. My mom had been watching Derek to keep him out of the loop since Natalie and Ryan had an idea of what was going on. Spencer was leaning against me and sleeping soundly for what seemed the first time in days. I dared not to move in case he did wake up, he needed to rest even if it was only for a short while.

"Tomorrow we'll send some people out here to further investigate the house and make sure you're completely safe. I'll have someone stop by later and watch over if that's alright?" Jack looked in the mirror at me.

"I appreciate that, thank you again for driving us. You didn't have to do that since Hannah,"

"It's not a problem. Hannah's in good hands now with my wife, they'll spend the night at headquarters tonight anyways. I'll get back to them shortly."

We pulled up to the driveway and came to a stop as I rubbed Spencer's back gently. "We're home Spenc."

He jolted a bit before rubbing his eyes and nodding. "Alright, let's get Charlie some food and then we'll go to sleep."

Jack walked us up to the door and gave us both a quick hug. "Call me if you need anything. Otherwise, I'll see you in a few days for Hannah's birthday?"

"Yes Sir. Thank you again Jack."

"You guys are family, it's not a problem." He waved and went back to his car as we stepped inside.

"Charlie?" Spencer called out as the scampering of feet sounded in the other room.

He came flying across the living room and jumped on Spencer as he bent down to pet our dog. "Hey boy, did you miss us?"

Charlie just whined and then jumped on me after realizing I was also home.

"We won't leave you like that again baby." I kissed his head and scratched his ears. "Let's get you some food."

He eagerly followed me into the kitchen while Spencer mumbled something about taking a shower. Part of me wanted to step in with him but I knew he needed time to just think and digest everything still.

"Here you go," I sat down next to him as he chowed down on the unappetizing dog food laid before him. Thank God we got to eat a variety of foods, nothing I gave to him ever smelled good to begin with.

After a few minutes, I decided to get up and at least change. My body was too tired to physically do anything else but drag myself into bed. Grabbing a pair of Spencer's boxers and a t-shirt of his I slid them on and crawled into bed. The shower was still running but I knew he was okay in there, as Charlie came into the bedroom and hopped up on the bed with me. I pulled him closer to me and sighed, this is what I had been missing and was going to take full advantage of having it back.

Right as I started to doze off, Spencer climbed into bed and pulled me to him. I held onto Charlie and smiled when he nudged my hand for me to pet him. I glided over his fur a few times while Spencer kissed my shoulder and sighed. "I missed this."

"I did too."

He said nothing else as his breathing became deeper and slower. If only I could fall asleep as quickly as he did. Part of me wanted to stay up all night just to know that he was truly here with me and wouldn't disappear, but that wasn't going to do me any good. Hopefully the rest of the night would be more restful than anything else but I wasn't going to hold my breath.

Charlie yawned and stretched before readjusting himself and falling asleep as well, leaving me to my own thoughts and being sandwiched between my two boys. I knew for the first time in a while I did feel safe while at the house, which was saying something.

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