On the run

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As soon as she started running he ran to. The thing is it wasn't that hard for him to catch up. Then he decided she is not dangerous but she is in danger. He watched her for about two hours more but all she did was go to an Mexican restaurant and then started heading to a coffee shop. What he needed about now after chasing for two hours , damn this girl.. Just stop for one minute will ya? She went in with her pathetic friend Simon. I wait for them to go in then I go in, I think he asked her what kind of coffee she wanted but all I wanted to hear was her. She made a smart ass reply though. " Black like my soul." Which made him laugh. Then he new she heard him. As soon as Simon left she darted out of the building. I was surprised honestly but I wanted to see Simons reaction so I waited a little longer. He looked concerned but then he got a text and seemed to relax a little until he opened it and saw what it said it said "help" at that moment he was on his feet running to her house and new that's exactly where she'd go. He ran up the stairs to her apartment door and noticed it was locked. It took him a while to draw and opening rune but when he finally got in he almost fell to his knees. But then he heard voices and found the room they came from and decided to listen a little longer. "WHERE IS MY MOTHER!?" He knew the voice all too well. It was clary.
" well with Valentine of course." The other man said he couldn't see his face with the hood over his head.
" who the hell is he?" She asked confused. "What has she done to you young child?" He asked sounding concerned. " RAISE ME! I want her back before you kill her like you did my father!" She said scared but certainly still the same girl who can do anything she wants. " well I got to go now, maybe I'll give some memory's of your past." He said at first I was confused but with the twirl of a hand in the air he was got but her eyes also shut and I know why as I see they demon behind her supposed to have eight arrows but only has seven. And I know where the last one is. It's in Clary's neck.

Hey guys!! This is my first short story! At the beginning I said I was going to do Jace's view of the book. But I've decided to change it up a bit. Comment and suggestions for the next parts!!

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