Sandwiches and pigs

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There is a hole in a hill and in that hole in the hill there is a undead immortal giraffe......

All he does is sleep all day, but at night he........

Turns into a unidentifiable green blob and sneaks into people's houses and eats their sandwiches......

One day, little tommy noticed that his sandwich had gone missing over night, so he set out to investigate who had eaten it.......

The giraffe got tired of being a giraffe so he transformed into a butterfly,but little did he know that tommy was watching him......

Tommy went and chased the butterfly over the hillside shouting "give me back my sandwich!"......

The butterfly then turned into a giant lime coloured pig and ate tommy.......

The pig said "that tasted better than a sandwich!" But inside of him, tommy had a plan......

The pig spat tommy out and then turned into the worlds first vampire.....

The vampire bit tommy and tommy turned into a vampire, now tommy had no desire for sandwiches, he only wanted to eat.........

Soufflé with blood oranges as a side dish......

Then the two vampires set out to turn everyone else in the world into vampires


A random story that me and my friend wroteWhere stories live. Discover now