The Big Day (Kurt)

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He woke with a smile on his face.

"Today is the day", Kurt said with a yawn.

He hasn't been this excited since he reached his 5th million follower on Twitter. He smiled at the thought just of being on that stage and performing in front of all the fans he earned over the years. He felt his partner fidget under the covers.

"Morning", Leon said groggily.

"Good morning, honey", Kurt said while prancing to the restroom to get ready for the day. The big day. He smiled even wider when the slightest thought of it crept into his mind. He takes a shower, gets out, blow dries his chestnut colored hair with a toothbrush in his mouth, scrubs his face with his facial cleanser, and finally changes into a very fancy suit. He looks in the mirror and can't help, once again, smiling. He practices his vocal range while walking side-by-side Leon to the outside of the apartment to grab a taxi.

Once they get inside Kurt almost immediately starts to gush on and on and on about what today is all about and why the taxi driver should be just as excited. The driver doesn't bother pretending to care, he just mutters things under his breath. The driver's attitude doesn't change Kurt's mood, nothing can. Today is his day and nothing can take that away from him.

They finally get to the big Broadway building with the words "Big Dreams, Big City" in big and shiny lights in the front. Kurt had wrote the story line back in highschool and finished it during his junior year of NYADA. After that, everything else just kind of fell into place. He graduated the year after, soon found Leon, and bought an apartment for the two of them not long after.

They walked into the room and the giddiness was in the air once again. Both Leon and his boyfriend smiled when the rest of the cast greeted them with a big banner saying "CONGRATULATIONS" in multi-colored letters.

"Thanks. Thanks so much, everyone. Now let's go over it just one last time before tonight.", Kurt says loudly so everyone can hear.


It was five minutes until the curtain went up and everyone was ready and in their costumes. Kurt stands at the center of the stage with all of the people who perform with him in that scene. He looks around and smiles at everyone and wishes them good luck. He makes a joke or two to ease the nerves of some of the younger people on the stage. Finally he see's the velvet red curtain rise up.

The opening number was about his first day at McKinnley and how closed he was. But a few songs pass by and it slowly tells the story about how he opened up, met Blaine, and his preperations for NYADA. He loved rehearsing because it was like he got to relive all of it almost everyday. A few more songs and a couple of scenes pass by and the story is about his later moments during his stay at NYADA. And it finally ends off with a heart touching scene about him and Leon and clapture roars in Kurt's ears. The rest of the cast runs out on stage and they all bow in unison. The curtains fell and he hugged all of his friends in celebration that finally his dreams came true.

He turns and sees none other than his dad, Burt Hummel, standing with the biggest smile on his face that Kurt had ever seen. He runs into the arms of the man who raised him. They break away and Kurt notices tears falling from his dad's eyes. As soon as he saw the man's tears, he felt warm streams of tears fall from his eyes as well.

"You did it, Kurt. You finally did what you were born to do", more tears fell, "I always knew you could", Burt says while pulling his son into his arms again for another embrace.

"I love you, dad", Kurt breathes, not bothered by the breaking of his voice.

"I love you too, Kurt", Burt replies, "Now how about I buy you some dinner?"

"Sure, but we have to get Leon", Kurt says.

Burt nods in agreement. He and Leon have only ever met a few times, for Kurt has always had a tight schedule. They walk to the place Leon texted Kurt to meet him at. Once at their destination, Leon opens his arms out to hug Burt.

"So nice seeing you again, Mr. Hummel", he says while turning to Kurt with a bouqet of flowers.

"You too", Burt replies.

A cab drives up in front of the place where they were standing. It was the driver who had drove Leon and Kurt to the building. He has a big smile on his face.

"Hey, kid. My daughter saw your show and said she loved it", he said holding up his phone, "Get in, the ride's on me".

The 3 pile into the car and made their way to a very luxurious resturaunt. The formal man at the door lets them in without saying a word. Kurt makes a puzzled expression on his face.

"Congratulations, Mr. Hummel", the man says.

They happily walk through the doors and sit down at a nice little table. A small, blonde waitress quickly makes her way to their table. They order their individual dishes.

They receive their food a lot quicker than they usually had before Kurt's big success. They talked amongst theirselves, laughing often, and enjoy their rich food. After their apettizers, main course, and dessert all of the 3 share full bellies. After chatting even after the meal was done for roughly 30 minutes, they grabbed a cab and headed home.

The couple somehow got Burt to agree to stay with them for at least a week. It was nice for all of them to spend time with a different kind of person. Burt was a lot more humble than New Yorkers. After all, he was married to Carole, and used to be married to the beautiful woman who birthed Kurt. They relaxed and watched something they could all agree on after flipping through several channels.

Eventually the night wound down and Leon and Kurt fell asleep quickly. As did Burt, snoring loudly in the guest room. This day was only the beginning of the journey that Mr. Kurt Hummel and Mr. Leon Fitche were going to face. This day was the beginning of the story of the kindling souls.

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