Chapter 10- Martian Takeover

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 This chapter has been rewritten to try to make the previous changes consistant. I really enjoyed writing it and hope you like it. Please vote and comment! 

Chapter 10- Martian Takeover

We heard a car approaching at eight o'clock the next morning. I awoke feeling very groggy and nearly fell out of bed onto my ass when Sami suddenly jumped up out of her own, blankets flying. She was grumbling curses under her breath and I only realized it when they increased in volume.

“The goddamn bastard!” she snapped. Before I could ask what was up, she barked, “Ah!” and roughly tugging on her bathrobe, she thrust open the bedroom door and stormed out of sight.

Our window looked out onto the cabin next door and as I slowly slid from the bed (my aching hip making the process harder) I moved the curtain aside and peered out to see Zak and three other guys I didn't recognize, climbing out of a Jeep Wrangler. I frowned. What was he doing here?

I saw a livid Sami marching towards her brother and my eyes sprang open when she pushed him back, her face turning a shade of 'I'm pissed off' red. I could just about hear her yell, “What are you doing here?!” before I hurriedly pulled on my snow boots and coat and ran out the room. The others were stirring. Kim was making her way outside when I came into the living room. Pixie opened the door to her room and I saw Rach climbing out of bed behind her.

“What's going on?” Pixie asked rubbing her puffy eyes.

“I'm not quite sure... Sami's brother is here. And she's clearly not happy about it.”

Pixie groaned. “Oh god, this happened last year.”

Before I could ask, I saw Alex sidle into the living room wearing barely anything and my cheeks flushed with a mixture of unease and envy. I could tell she sensed it by the smug smile on her face.

“Maybe with the boys around, it'll make this weekend more interesting,” she teased.

Pixie rolled her eyes, smiled at me as if apologizing on Alex's behalf before shutting her door. I ignored Alex and ran out the cabin, circling around the left side where Sami's yelling was increasing in volume and anger.

“Zak, stop bullshitting me! You knew I was here this weekend! You're just doing it to get back at me for-”

“Don't say it, Sami,” he warned, glaring at her. His eyes flickered in my direction when he saw me approach. “There's enough space for all of us. John gave us the key.”

“So what, Zak? You could have come here any other weekend but you decided to show up the same week we do? Uh, coincidence? You know the rules!”

I tilted my head towards Kim, who was stood next to me and whispered, “What rules?”

She leaned in and replied in a low voice, “Their parents don't like Zak and the guys camping when we are.”


“They don't like us to mix,” she replied with a shrug.

I looked at her, confused. Is that an indirect way of saying their parents are afraid we're going to have orgy parties here? I squirmed on the spot. Oh god, no thanks.

“We thought you might need help hunting,” he offered with a wide, teasing grin.

I stiffened. The way he said it made me think he knew about our accident. How could he though? As I looked at Pixie who had arrived at some point, she gave me a subtle shake of her head guessing why I looked at her with wary eyes.

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