Chapter 13- Heat Damage

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The comments below might be confusing, and that's because two chapters (13-14) have been deleted. Chapter 15 has been move forward to the previous chapter. Agh. It's what happens when you edit and post live. Anyway, this is where Heat Damage should be. Sorry! And enjoy! FYI this book has not had a full edit so it will have mistakes. 

Chapter 13- Heat Damage

Crap, crap, crap, crap.

My mind reeled at the events that unfolded twenty minutes ago as I arrived at the hospital.

I'd been in a car crash. I'd been saved by some stalker guy who had super-human strength and speed. I wasn't even sure if he was human. He'd said he was a jinni. A goddamn demon. I told myself, either I rethink my whole life or convince myself he's just a crazy bastard.

After he'd spoken to me, he'd disappeared. Right in front of my eyes. As if I wasn't terrified enough. I'd gawked for several minutes at the same spot he'd been standing until I managed to pull myself together.

I turned into the hospital parking lot, killed the engine and tried to breathe like a sane person.

I'm not crazy, I'm a sane, normal person. I'm okay, I'm okay.

I just met the 'man' who had saved me four years ago from near death. The same creepy guy who had been stalking me, probably ever since. Who stopped my car with his own strength and then casually tells me he's a demon.

“I hallucinated. That's all.” I stared at the mocking dents in the hood of my car through my windshield, that was amazingly still intact. I could see the dints had been made by two hands. No buck did that, I thought, squinting at the damage. How would I explain my way out of that at the repair shop? How would I break the news to my mom? To the ever observant and overly intrusive Abdul?

I climbed out of the car, slamming the door a little too hard. I cursed. Don't add to the damage you moron.

I stalled as I made my way around the front of my car. When I glanced down at the damage to the hood my mouth parted into an 'O'.

It wasn't just the dints that filled me with terror. The paint had changed colour, from the burgundy-red to a dark almost black shade. The paint had been burned.

I had a flashback of the demon girl and my singed hair. One of the strands I had trimmed was now in my eyes. I stared at it, making me cross-eyed, before hastily stuffing it back behind my ear.

I let out a manic breath that sounded like a strangled giggle and locking my car door, I hustled towards the entrance.

As I approached the doors, I vowed to myself I would pretend it never happened. I would pretend I never met this guy and keep all thoughts of him far away from my mind. The last thing I need is more mental baggage to make me even odder than I already am.

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