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Emma's P.O.V

After my shower I turned on some music and blow dried my hair. That took about 10 minutes and then I decided to curl my hair. I was still only in my robe I didn't feel like getting dressed yet I had about an hour left before Jack came.

I let the curling wand heat up then started curling my long ass hair. The struggle with long hair is real. I think I should get it cut? But at the same time I love it. I let the curls fall lose onto my back. After I finished that I went into my room to pick out what to wear.

I looked in my closet and my eye caught this beautiful black dress with Lacey sleeves. It was just perfect. I don't even remember buying it. So I decided to wear it. I looked in my full length mirror I was satisfied with the way this dress fit.

I then went back into the bathroom to apply my makeup. I put in a light shade on lipstick and a little sparkly dark eyeshadow to complement my dress along with some mascara.

I looked at the time and saw I only had 15 minutes left. Well that went by fast. I walk back to my closet and looked at my shoes. I decided on some black heels to match the dress. I grabbed my phone and a sliver clutch and walked out of my room.

" woah you look hot" Lexi says as I walk into the living room.

" yeah you look cute" Matt says and Lexi gives him a stare.

" so you think she's prettier than me" Lexi gives him the death stare but I knew she was just kidding she's not really the jealous type.

" I-i was j-j-us-st" Matt stutters to get out what he was trying to say.

" baby I was just kidding " Lexi pecks his lips and a look of relief came to his face.
A couple minutes went by and their was a knock at the door.

" I GOT IT" Lexi yelled jumping on the couch to run over towards the door. She opened it to Jack wearing a tux looking absolutely sexy. He was holding roses in his hand and had a smile on his face.

" how come I am always opening the door to you when I come to pick up your friend" he laughs.

" because to get to her you gotta go threw me" Lexi says with a sassy tone of voice. I walk up behind her and smile at Jack.

" Lexi if you would excuse me I would like to go on my date now" I say gently moving her out of the way. When jacks eyes met with mine his jaw basically dropped as he fully looked at my body.

" you look" he seemed as if he couldn't find the right words.
" gorgeous" Lexi chimes in from the couch.

" yeah gorgeous." He licks his lips then I snap my fingers infringement of him trying to bring him back to reality.

" Jack " I laugh.

" yeah" he snaps out of his daze.

" dinner, date, you ready" I ask reminding him of why I look like this.

" oh yeah" a smile appears on his face." Shall we" he sticks out his elbow signaling for me to wrap my arm around it.

" we shall" and I connect my arm with his. " bye lex"I say while exiting the dorm.

" bye kids have fun USE PROTECTION" she yells before I fully close the door. Jack and I immediately look at each other and start laughing.

" she's a mess" I laugh as we walk towards the elevator.

" she seems like a good friend to have " he says in all honesty." Protective and caring" he adds in.

" do you have a thing for Lexi " I laugh knowing he was just complementing her.

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