Chapter 23

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Emma's P.O.V 

"Why do you have so much stuff Emma" Lexi asks while picking up another box.

" how many boxes do you have" Sammy whines while putting down yet another box.

" oh shut up Sammy" Johnson laughs while picking up another box.  I grab a box from the truck labeled blankets and pillows.

" oo wanna switch" Sammy asks while he holds out his box labeled shoes. I laugh and shake my head no while walking back inside and setting my box down in the living room.

I feel someone's arms wrap around my waist. I turn around only to see Jack . A cheeky smile was on his face.

"I can't believe we're moving in together" he kisses the top of my head. I look around the room at all of the boxes that were full of my stuff. A smile appeared on my face.

" I know" I turn around in his arms and lean up to gently kiss his lips.

" I am going to get to do that every morning" he grins some more as I just laugh.

" yeah well for now we have more boxes to unload" I pat my hands on his chest and release myself from his grip.

**4hrs later**

" there all of you clothes are unpack everything is finally unpacked" Jack came out of the closet and plopped on the bed.

" thanks you my love" I kiss the top of his nose." The boys are downstairs you wanna join them" I ask as he sits up.

" in a minute" a smirk appears on his face as he pulls me onto his lap and starts attacking me with kisses.

" jack" I laugh trying to push him off of me but he wasn't letting up so i don't even know why I was trying.

" what they can't hear us" he talks into my neck while I shake my head.

" for Johnson can hear us from the basement then they can hear us down stairs." I finally get him to stop.

" I guess your right but we're so doing it later ... Right?" He raises and eyebrow at me.

" maybe " I shrug getting up off of the bed and walking out of. The room.

" you little..." He just shook his head smiling as I continue to walk down the hall way to the stair case. When I walked into the living room I saw Sammy, Johnson and ,Nate  all drinking beer and very invested into a movie.

" what are you guys watching" I ask while taking a seat on the love seat across from Johnson.

" the laddie and the trap" Johnson says while shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

" of course you are" I whisper to myself." Where's Lexi and Matt" I ask and they all shrug their shoulders.

" I think their in the kitchen" Johnson says as Jack comes down the stairs and into the living room.

"Hey guys" he smiles while taking a seat on the couch next to Nate.

" someone's happy... Did you guys just  Fuck" Nate try's to whisper the last part but miserably fails.

"NO NATHANIEL" I raise my voice and roll my eyes. I took that as my cue to go into the kitchen. Lexi and Matt were making out on the kitchen counter as if it was a normal thing to do at someone else's home.

"Get a room" I laugh opening the fridge. The both look at me and start laughing along as I grab two coronas from the fridge.

" can we use the guest room" Lexi jokes as I simply roll my eyes again and walk back out into the living room. I hand Jack a beer and take a seat on his lap.

" thanks babe" he kisses my cheek then pops the cap on his beer and takes a sip.

" I want one" Sammy Pouts at me and jack and we all just start laughing.

" want what" I ask.

" a hot chick that brings me beer and has sex with me" he laughs a little and we all just look strangely at him.

" oh Sammy " Johnson starts laughing but his eyes were still fixed on the tv." Just go get a girlfriend" he says.

" yeah but not all of them do that " Sammy points to the beer in jacks hand.

" sorry dude this ones already taken" Jack smiles up at me and I Lean down and peck his lips.

" where do I find one " Sammy asks and  I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he sounded.

" they come to you my friend they come to you" Nate speaks up and just continues to  stare at the tv along with Johnson.

" you guys are ridiculous" I laugh then take a sip from the beer in my hand and just watch the lady and the trap.

I wouldn't change one thing about this moment. I sitting here surrounded by the people I love and I just moved in with the man I love the most. Life doesn't get any better than this.


Hey guys I know it's been like forever since I updated I've just had some writers block and stuffs been keeping me busy.

I hope you enjoyed this little update please vote and comment what you think about this story so far

Thanks for reading love you guys💘💕


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