I don't want to

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Hermione's P.O.V

I woke up laying on something warm, I opened my eyes confused, to see a sleeping Draco Malfoy. At some point during the night we had shifted and I was know lying on top of him. Instead of just having my head on his chest. Our legs were tangled together, so there was no chance of getting up without waking him up. I sighed trying to figure out what to do. I laid my my head back down, on his chest, at least that still stayed the same. I decided to wait until he woke up, he looked so peaceful and he was comfortable. I laid like this for about an hour before the person under me started to stir. i looked down at him as he opened his eyes.

"How did we..?" he asked confused.

"At some point i guess we just shifted," I said shrugging.

"How long have you been awake?" he asked.

"Um.. an hour?" I told him a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Why didn't you get up?"

"Because of the position we're in and I didn't want to wake you up."

"Oh, well you can get of if you want to."

"I don't want to."

He seemed taken back at this statement, although i hadn't meant to say it out loud. He looked into my eyes and i felt like i would literally fall through them, his perfect eyes.

"Then don't," he told me smiling, his perfect smile. I was falling for him the one person who i thought I'd hate forever, the one I though was my enemy. I was falling for him.

"I won't," I told him still caught in his eyes.

He nodded and we just stayed like that. I was slowly leaning closer and closer every passing moment. I closed my eyes, our lips met in a soft and passionate kiss. I planced my hands on either side of his face, my elbows holding some of my weight off of him. He pulled me closer, as if there was a closer. He sat up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I moved my hips a little, getting comfortable, when i heard a moan. I froze and pulled away looking at him. "It's a reaction to you," he said smirking. My face flushed red. I looked away head a knock at the common room door, followed by Snape yelling, "There's someone knocking on me!" at the top of his lungs.

I sighed, "I think i should get that," I said as I untangled myself from him, getting up to talk to whoever it was.

Sorry it's short I need some help with ideas, help me out if you can!

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