Chapter six

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Chapter six:

After my mini break down about my boo boo on my leg, me and hay- I mean daddy, sat down on the sofa to cuddle. He handed me a bowl of cut up strawberries, bananas and some raspberries! I thanked him and say cross legged on the sofa while he flicked through the channels and suddenly I heard the opening song to Liv and Maddie, on Disney channel.

I hummed along to the song and watched intently. My head occasionally swung side to side and my hands did little movements that I made up. Daddy seemed to stop and keep it on rather than flickering through another channel.

"Does baby like Disney channel?" He asked and looked at me with a smile. I nodded fast and hard. Causing a small dizzy spell. "Use your words darling", he instructed.

"Yes daddy" I smiled and said that with a mouthful of fruit. He laughed and praised me by calling me a good girl and rubbing my head slightly while I ate my breakfast and watched the TV.

It was the episode where Liv was trying to go to her premier and the cheddar cheese ball competition with her sister, Maddie. She get her blond hair stuck in a meat grinder and ended up having to cut it off! I was just at the part where the twins brothers were throwing the sausages when the TV suddenly turned off. My mouth flew open. I looked up into the eyes of daddy.

"Put it back on now!!" I practically screamed, my voice going high pitched.

"No baby, it's time to get ready, we have to go get some clothes from your house and some bits of yours" he frowned at my shouting while telling me all this. But I had gone into brat mode.

"No!" I whined. "I wanna watch the rest of Liv and Maddie!!" I whined again, using an extended 'er' at the end like a child or moody teenager.

"Don't you dare whine at me, little girl!" He yelled and I submitted a little bit... I just really wanted to watch Liv and Maddie...

"But" I pouted.

"No more buts, say it one more time and you'll be in big trouble"


"Don't Jessica"


"Do it and you'll regret it little girl"

"But" I stared at him and giggled a little while watching his expression change. He sighed and combed his blond hair back with his hand. He looked calm and like he was deep in thought. That was until he suddenly grabbed my body and twisted us so he was sitting on the couch and I was over his lap. Oh shit, I shouldn't have tested him.

He pulled down my pyjama bottoms, leaving my panties on which caused me to blush as I was wearing big girl panties. He put my legs in between his legs but used one of his legs to spread my legs so I was all open for him.

"Do you know what I'm about to do little one?" He spoke in a stern voice, I wanted to run. But I knew that if I dare try I was in even more trouble. "Yes daddy" I whimpered and squirmed a little but his strong grip kept me still.

"Good girl... I don't want you to count as this is your first time but if you do, truly have a problem with it then say red as it is our safe word. Now, you'll be getting 10 spanks for shouting at daddy and 10 for speaking back, do you understand?" His grip got stronger and he continued to rub my bottom.

"Yes daddy" I whispered while he called me a good girl.

SMACK, the first one wasn't too bad, it stung but it could be worse, I knew he was just going easy on me. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, fuck me, six in a row, by now my eyes were watering and I was whimpering and squirming and screaming quietly. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, he did them so fast that I lost count and all I could focus on was my burning ass cheeks and my tear stained cheeks. He rubbed my bottom for a little bit calming me down and then he did the last two together and fast. By the end of it I was crying my eyes out and shaking.

"Shh baby girl it's okay, it's all over now, I'm ever so proud of you, you're such a good little girl, you're my good little baby kitten" he cooed me and pick me in bridal style. He carried me all the way to his bedroom where he laid on my tummy on the bed and pulled my pyjama trousers off. He rubbed a cold lotion on my bottom which felt really nice against the hot burn.

"T-thank you daddy" I said as he rubbed and rubbed until it all soaked in.

"It's okay baby, you're such a good little kitten, I love you so much my darling angel" he picked me up again and put my in his lap and I winced and whimpered at how my bum hurt. He coped me more and stroked my hair and wiped my tears. We sat like that for about half hour just in each others arms and I began to nod off.

Daddy put me under the covers in bed and got in with me. He popped my stuffie in my arms, paci in my mouth and put my head in his lap. I curled up in a ball next to his leg and cuddled his lap while he stroked my hair, holding my hand with his other hand. His hands were so smooth yet rough. Real man hands. His touch was ever so gentle for a man like himself, he looked so handsome and mean but inside he was as soft as a rabbits fur. He couldn't date hurt a fly. I know I've only met him and this is all so new to me, but I think I might like this and I think I might want this for more than a month. Maybe he could be the one...

After thinking all this I fell asleep in his arms and I think he fell asleep too after kissing my forehead and constantly playing and stroking my hair.


Hey guys,
Im trying to post every day now, I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday as I was too busy but I'm on Christmas break now so posting regularly shouldn't be so hard! Remember to comment and tell me what you think!! Message me and give me ideas!! Or just vote! Thank you ever so much and I hope all my readers have a wonderful day,

Lots of love, Jess xx

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