Chapter Onze

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Chapter Onze:

"Darren stop" I pushed him lightly as he swung his hand at my face. Another tear drop fell on my bruised leg.

"No you little slag, you don't fucking deserve to be in this family" he slapped my face again and I fell to floor crying. I suddenly felt this excruciating pain on my lower tummy and I yelled out in pain. But he continued to beat my broken body until it finally broke more and more and more until it was nothing but broken.

One more final kick to the stomach and I could feel my ribs start to crack...

Hayden's POV:




Shuffle, whimper.

What was going on?

I lightly turned and looked at the precious little girl laying in my arms. Her arms kept twitching as she murmured things while her eyebrows furrowed together. She had this scrunched up look her face. She looked in pain. And that's one thing I did not want to see my princess in. Her long, brown locks were sprawled across my arm and the pillow, lightly tucked my should which I untucked. Her arms gets twitching at my sides and it was only when she murmured the word stop I decided to wake her up. I hate seeing her in pain or in discomfort.

"Baby girl..." I lightly shook her shoulders. She didn't wake up but only stirred.

"Kitten wake up" I said a little louder as I continued to shake her shoulders. Her little eyes fluttered open until I could see her beautiful topaz coloured eyes and those gorgeous light pink, plump lips parted slightly. She truly was a work of art. She looked at me with confusion. I could see panic in her eyes but as soon as she saw me her eyes softened and they soon became filled with love and security. My baby girl. I though. All mine...

"Daddy..." This soft delicate little voice fell into my ears. I rubbed some hair from her face behind her ear.

"Are you okay little one?" I kissed her forehead and stared at her.

"Y-yes..." She trailed off and I could tell she was lying to me... But I'll let her off... Suddenly I saw a little tear fall from her eye and down her chubby pale cheek. Her bottom lip began to quiver. She looked so much like a little baby. My baby.

"Darling, tell daddy what's wrong?" I stroked her cheek.

"I just had a nightmare daddy..." She snuggled into my chest and I just held her there. I felt her hand slide round my waist so she could hug me. I pulled her as close to me as I could and quickly grabbed her paci from the side before she noticed the absence of my hand on her head.

"Open up darling" she opened her mouth and I popped the nipple of the paci inside. She immediately started sucking, the blue paci bopping up and down in her mouth. I looked at the clock on the wall and discovered it was only 6am. Way too early for me, I hate mornings.

"Baby girl why don't you-" I stopped my sentence when I looked down and saw her eyes closed. Her paci was no long bopping up and down in her mouth but her lips were slightly parted over it as her cheeks squashed onto my shoulder. I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

I knew she was the one I wanted from the start. I've been dreaming of having a little like her for years. All my others only wanted one thing. They didn't wanted to be treated like princesses, they wanted to be treated like whores, chained up in my red room. Not the type of little I was looking for.

I've been brought up in a touch childhood. My father was always too busy working on his architecture company to bond with his children. I only have one sister. Me and my sister were my mothers treasures. When father wasn't there she would take us on trips to our cabins in the forests or down to the lake for a swim. She was an amazing mother, I really looked up to her. She was my everything.

Until one day she got diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and despite the treatment she passed away shortly after her diagnosis. We was all devastated. Everyone was. It was a massive loss to our family. I was only 14 at the time and my sister being older was 17. After that my father took more time in being with us. I think it made him value his family more than he ever did and along I lost my mother I gained my father back. Now I'm older and I'm taking on his company.

I looked down at the little one asleep in my arms. I was truly blessed. I kissed her cheek and nose as I closed my eyes.

"Night princess" I whispered.


Soooooooo! Hayden POV huh?!?? What do you guys think?!?! Please let me know, comment, message me, vote and SHARE!!!! Love my fans so much!!!!

Lots of love, Jess xoxo

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