Chapter neuf

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Chapter neuf:

I gulped and watched him move to pull up my panties and pyjama bottoms. As they slowly slid up my legs he lightly brushed his hands against my legs which made my breathing hitch. I just wanted to cum. I needed to cum. As soon as those pyjama bottoms were up I snapped my legs shut and stared at him with my mouth agape. He looked back at me and run his hand through his messy hair. He sighed,

"Jessica, I'm sorry, my fathers putting a lot of pressure on me and I shouldn't have taken it out on punishing you, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry" he looked like he was about to burst into tears. He stared at me and I saw how Adam's apple move indicating that he was gulping in nervousness.

"I-it's otay daddy..." I curled my legs up to my chest and grabbed my stuffie. I was just desperately in need of cumming. But I don't think that was happening anytime soon. He nodded and kept sighing. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap so I could snuggle into his chest with my stuffie tightly clutched in my chubby arms. I sighed and just smuggled into him. He softly stroked my hair and rubbed my back like a baby. It made me feel so so so good...

We stayed like that for a while, his hand drifting along my messy hair and my head tucked neatly under his chin, on his shoulder.

Suddenly I felt something I shouldn't have felt. You know they say that it's in a women's instinct to know roughly that she's going to get her period? Yeah well, it's fucking bullshit. This was unexpected. I quickly jumped out of his arms and stare at a confused daddy.

"Err, two seconds!" I squeaked and ran upstairs. I ran as fast as my small feet and chubby legs could carry me. I locked the door behind me and sat on the loo. Pulling down my trousers confirmed it. I had just come on my girlies while on my daddy's lap. How embarrassing. And the worst part is I had no tampons on me. They were tucked away in my bag on my bed. Oh! Did I mention I was in his fucking toilet! It was the closet one...

I groaned, staring at my lap. What the hell do I do now?

Knock, knock, knock.

"Baby girl, are you okay?" I heard this soft voice flow through the door and into my ears. I bit my lip,

"E-er yeah..." I trailed off not knowing what else to say.

"May I com-" as soon as he spoke I knew what he wanted. He wanted to come in. I couldn't let him see me like this!

"No!" I shouted, as I squeaked, panicking.

"Hey, don't shout at daddy young lady... Why can't I come in?" He lectured as his voice went from hard to soft.

"Because I'm naked!" It was the first thing that came from my lips. Well done Jessica. Real fucking smooth.

He chuckled, "baby girl you're mine and your body is mine, you don't ever have to be ashamed of your body" I'm not, I just bled all over my trousers. I thought as I stared at the floor in front of me. I didn't say anything back. I didn't know what to say. I started think about when I was unpacking, my yellow papered tampons were in my bag along with my tablets I had to take. Periods are the devil, I swear.

Once I was about 13 I finally got it. I was excited because it meant I would finally become a women. But then, after a few more months, I soon regretted that excitement. Then came the pain, the excruciating stabbing in my lower abdominal. Not to mention the back aches, leg aches, greasy hair, usually fucked bed sheets and unbelievable cravings for every sweet thing you could latch your teeth on. I whimpered, I just wanted to be in bed with daddy, curled up with my stuffie and paci. I stuck my bottom lip out and flared my nostrils. Suddenly I heard the sound of metal dropping on the floor. I gasped as I saw the key from the door handle laying on the floor, about a foot from the door.

I looked up at the door handle and saw it twist. The handle kept being pulled down and down and down until suddenly the door opened and I was looking at a frustrated daddy. I squeaked and closed my legs shut, hiding my pants.

"Now, are you going to stop gaping at me and tell me what's wrong?" Jeez this man was highly strung.

"No..." My voice cracked at how embarrassed I was. Here I am, sitting on the toilet with my legs tightly closed together and my hands covering my pants.

"Little girl you tell me right now" his voice got softer.

"No..." I whispered, looking at my hands in front of me.

"Kitten... Baby what's wrong...?" He bent down to my level on the toilet and lifted my chin up.

"I've started my girlies daddy..." I slowly whispered. I sighed.

"Oh baby girl why didn't you just tell daddy..." He stroked my face and my cheek fit perfectly in his palm.

"Where are your girl things baby, daddy go get them ok?" He asked ever so softly while stroking my cheek bone with his thumb. I nodded,

"In my black handbag daddy..." I whispered and refused to look at him.

"Okay baby girl, you stay right here" he kissed the top of my head and went to get them. He took that better then I expected... My last boyfriend told me to get out.

Daddy came back in with my pack of tampons and pads in his hands.

"I didn't know which ones to get baby so I just got you all of them" he chuckled and set them down on the cabinet. He walked over to the bath and turned in the taps. He squirted my favourite pink bath gel in it to make bubbles then left, telling me to clean myself up and then get in the bath when it's ready.

I cleaned up and got naked, jumping in the bath. It was so warm. He had such a large bath tub. Normally when I lay down my feet touch the end but in his I looked ever so small in it. My body was engulfed in a mountain of bubbles and I giggled while blowing them. They floated around the bathroom and landed everywhere. I want some bath toys... I thought as I spotted these crayons on the side. I moved to the other end of the bath and took the crayons from the side. Bath Crayons, Washable with just bath water!

I ripped open the packet and immediately grabbed the blue crayon. I drew a ducky and pony on the wall. Along with daddy and Jessica. I was now deeply in little space. I heard this deep chuckle and I realised daddy was here.

"Kitten having fun?" He laughed and kneeled by the bath tub while I nodded with a big smile at him. He chuckled and grabbed a sponge of the side. I flicked water at his face. He frowned, then smiled and bopped my nose making me giggle. I splashed around, making as much mess as I could and by the time I was finished playing I was pruning up.

"Baby girl sit still! Daddy has to clean this little monster!" He lightly tickled my sides. I giggled, letting him wash my hair with a jug and scrub my body... Apart from my lady parts.

"Such a good girl" he whispered. I closed my eyes.


So sorry I haven't updated in ages! I've had major writers block and I've been so so so busy with my daddy hehehe. He has no idea I write this book though so shhhhhh! Hehehe. I promise I will start updating more and I'm trying to do more chapters and publishing more at a time rather than one because I've noticed I'm getting less people reading or voting. Please remember to share this and vote!!! Any advice or ideas let me know!!

Many thanks,

Lots of love, Jess xoxo

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