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My mom and I went to PetSmart for some cat food. And y'know how they always have those cats you can adopt?

Yeah, well, I always like to go and look at all of the little kittens they have, and I screamed when I saw one of the cats..

So, it was a black cat...and her freaking name was Mystic. MYSTIC!! I ran over to me mum and was all like, "hOLY SHIZ THE CAT'S NAME IS FRICKING MYSTIC MOM LOOK!1!!1!1" And she looked at me like I was insane and was all like, "Okay? What does it matter?"

And I just sorta glared at her and shouted, "mAH FREAKING OC'S NAME IS MYSTIC! AH NEED THIS CAT!1!!1!1"

And she turned to me..and said no.

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