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13 Things 'Bout Meh: I have a cat named Topaz, I have a cat named Jewell, I want to rename my cats tv show characters, I like cats, Jewell is laying on my chest right now as I type, my parents and grandparents rEALLY want me to learn how to draw cats, I have now made it my goal to make all of these about cats, Jewell is digging her claws into me hELP, I'm trying real hard to draw cats, I stILL can't draw cats, Jewell finally stopped killing me with her claws, I constantly screech about how floofy my cats are, I have succeeded my goal of making this all cat related.
You are welcome.

1. Favorite Musical Artist? I'm just gonna go with Daniel Ingram XD
2. Pokémon World Or Underground? Uhh.. Pokémon world?
3. Stars Or Stripes? (On Clothing) Stars. WE ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS!! ☆☆☆ I AM NOT SORRY!!
4. Cupcakes Or Regular Sized Cakes? Regular sized cakes
5. Small Or Large? Smol beans
6. Spring Or Fall? Fallll. That's mah birth month ;0;
7. Star Wars Or Star Trek? Star Wars
8. Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up? Is Beach City an answer? No? -_- Fine, um, I dunno, Canada?
9. Dream Job? Either cartoon animator, storyboard artist, or voice actress
10. Curly Or Straight Hair? Curly af like are you kIDDING ME
11. Instagram Or DeviantART? Instagram
12. Warm Color Or Cool Colors? Tbh, I love both, but warm
13. Would You Smooch A Ghost? YeaH BOII

Time for my 13 questions! WHOO!!

1. Favorite TV Show?
2. Cartoons, Or Anime?
3. Lapis Or Peridot? (The correct answer is BOTH.)
4. Cats Or Dogs?
5. Mythical Or Real Life?
6. Celestia Or Luna?
7. Digital Or Traditional Art?
8. Make It Yourself, Or Admire Others' Work?
9. Water Or Fire?
10. MLP Or SU?
11. Biggest Fandom?
12. Fanfiction Or Actual Books?
13. Reading Or Writing?

Imma tag ya'll in the comments, so chill

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