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Luke's back had been hurting for the passed few days, and he was honestly getting tired of it. He could barely even walk to his college classes without feeling a sharp pain in his vertebrae.

That was why he was sitting in a hospital waiting room, surrounded by sickly people. He didn't like being around many people at once, he never enjoyed being around anyone, but he knew he had to do something about this. If he wanted to be a music producer, he was going to have to be able to stand without feeling like falling to the floor and dying.

"Luke Hemmings?"

Luke stood up and followed the nurse through a maze of hallways until she finally stopped at a small, dark room with an x-ray for what Luke assumed to be his back.

"We're going to take an x-ray of your back before we go into the other room, okay?" She was smiling too much. Luke could tell she didn't want to be there. Luke could always tell when people were lying. It was kind of a sixth sense.

Luke nodded, and was instructed to take off his shirt, which he did. The nurse then put some weird heavy sack on Luke's back which he guessed was something to help the x-ray work.

After that was over with, he was led to a normal-looking room at the other end of the hallway. The nurse told him he had to wait at least ten minutes before the x-rays were done developing, so he had to sit alone in the quiet room for another ten minutes.

Another sharp pain made its way up his vertebrae, and he arched his back in pain. It was probably something serious, and that scared Luke. What if he was going to be paralyzed from the neck down? How was he going to function without any of his nerves working?

The doctor walked in exactly ten minutes later, with a yellow envelope in his hand. He introduced himself - Luke didn't bother to even remember his name - and he placed the x-rays on the board, turning off the lights and switching the board on to let out a white-ish blue glow.

"What the fuck is that?" Luke almost fell off the chair when he saw what looked like to be wings connected to his spine.

The doctor just looked at Luke, dumbfounded. "Could you take off your shirt for me Luke?"

Luke nodded and took off his shirt. He felt another wave of pain. "Do you see anything?"

The doctor started taking pictures of Luke's back in a frantic matter. And when he stopped, he turned Luke around. "Luke,'re growing wings."

Luke turned around and hastily put his shirt back on, "Look Doc, I don't think that's possible."

"It's like they're moving underneath your skin," The doctor looked close to gagging. "You must be getting the pains when they move."

"That's disgusting," Luke bit his lip as the wings moved underneath his skin. "Can you do anything?"

"From what I can tell, if we remove them there's a possibility that you could be paralyzed from the neck down," the doctor leaned on the counter for support. "I suggest we keep an eye on it before we do anything too extreme."

"Extreme?" Luke stood up, pissed. He had fucking wings. People don't have wings. They needed to go. "Dude. I have wings!"

"Luke there's no need to-"

The lights flickered, and a slight draft made its way into the room, even though there was no window. And Luke felt something happen on the inside him. He was causing the lights to flicker. He was the wind. And it has something to do with those wings.

Luke took a deep breath and calmed down, and the wind and flickering lights ceased. The doctor just stared at him in awe.

"I'll come back next week, okay?" Luke sighed, walking towards the door. "Just...don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

The doctor smiled a small smile, "You have my word."

And soon Luke was walking back to his shitty apartment in the center of Brooklyn. He didn't know why, but Luke always felt closest at home when he was walking those streets in the dark. He always assumed he was a little more dark than the average person, but after the events earlier that day he was starting to wonder where he actually came from.

He laughed to himself. This was ridiculous. He's a person. He just somehow got mutated and is now growing wings from his back. The flickering lights and wind were just a coincidence. That wasn't his doing. How could it be?


Luke stopped. He had no friends. He was practically invisible. Someone knowing his name wasn't rare, it was impossible. He was scared to turn around, but he did anyway.

"Who's there?" Luke couldn't see his hand in front of his face let alone a person a few feet away. But it was odd, he could've sworn those street lights had been working a few moments ago.

The lights turned back on, and an unfamiliar person with black hair and hardcore piercings was standing there. Oh. And he had pitch black wings protruding from his back.

"I'm Silas, I was meant to be your mentor before you went missing," Silas took a few steps towards Luke, and Luke felt his heart rate speed up.

"Mentor? What're you talking about?" Luke bit his lip ring due to nervousness.

"That's right, you probably don't know anything about the Dark Realm," Silas was only a foot away from Luke now, and it was really scaring the shit out of him. "Let me take you there."

"Why would I want to go somewhere with a random person who knows my name and has fucking wings growing out of his back?" Luke flinched backwards.

"Luke, you're going to have to trust me, okay?" Silas held out a hand. And Luke just nodded.

The second their hands touched, everything went black.

howzit going homedogs

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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