Chapter Seven

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  The movie ended and I was thankful Luke didn't try anything. I was afraid to even leave the room, afraid that he would be there. Luke held onto my hand and I may have been squeezing it. He didn't say anything about it as we made our way to Ashtons car. 

 "I was thinking I would just take us back to the apartments," Luke said, "Ashton said he would keep the kids over night and you would just have to go over there tomorrow with his car."

 As I took in his words I realized I would be alone. I didn't want to be alone tonight. I didn't need Luke to worry, I didn't even feel comfortable to even sleep near him. "Could you take me over to Ashtons please." I begged, I couldn't be alone I needed my babies. I could feel Luke look at me.

  "Alright, if that's what you want." Luke started to drive towards Ashtons, with help of course. Other then when telling him where to drive I stayed quiet. Picking at  nothing on my jeans, I needed to get out. Ten minutes later we were at Ashtons, the house was dark but I didn't care. 

  "Thank you, I liked tonight, I'll text you later," I sent Luke a small smile before opening the door, missing Lukes concerned face. 

  I went to the back door, finding it was locked of course. I didn't have my keys so I started to pound on the door. I felt like he would show up any second and I needed in. I could feel Luke watching me, but not doing anything. Maybe he felt helpless, almost like I felt. The door opened and Ashton gave me a confused look before I basically jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me almost instantly, not asking what was wrong. 

 "J-Joey," I barely got out before I could feel myself get Ashtons shoulder covered in my tears. His grip on me tightened and he pulled me in the house more. Closing the door behind us, he somehow picked me up before taking me to his room. He didn't say anything as he laid me down and pulled off my shoes. 

  I curled in on myself, Ashton climbing into the bed a few seconds later. Hugging me tight he rubbed my back, tracing random shapes into my back. Our chests were facing each other, I knew he wanted to say something, but thankfully he didn't. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep to him humming. 


 Waking up the next morning many things rushed to my mind. Luke, Joey, Ashton, my kids. I squeezed my eyes shut again, trying to not cry again. I moved my arms to no longer find Ashton next to me. Probably somewhere in the house. I didn't want to get up, but I would have to sooner or later. There was a soft knock at the door before I heard it open. I pretended to be asleep, not ready to face the world. The bed dipped a little before I felt a small body wiggle its way into my arms. Instantly opening my eyes, smiling at Marci who was trying to make herself comfortable. 

 I got a better grip on her and pulled her closer. She let out a small squeal before I started to laugh. "Well look who finally got up," Turning us over to face the door, Ashton stood there, fully dressed for the day, "Max is up as well, she just needed to see you."

 I nodded, hugging her tighter. Slowly sitting up I could still feel Ashtons eyes on me. I looked over at him again and I knew that look. He wanted to talk, I didn't want to talk but that didn't matter. I knew he wouldn't do it in front of Marci so I laid back down and tried to forget the world again for a few hours. If only I could ignore it forever. 

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